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Equal Rights Amendment Pros And Cons

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In the words of Bernadette Cahill, the Equal Rights Amendment was an attempt “to finish the unfinished business of the Civil War” (Cahill, Bernadette). The main purpose for the ERA was to create equality for women under the law. The last time that anything like this was attempted was in 1870. Women’s Rights leaders of the time launched a campaign to reword the Fifteenth Amendment to include the word “sex.” The amendment in the constitution states, “race, color or previous condition of servitude.” This shows that since the original interpretation only applied to men, women themselves did not have the civil right to vote. At that point in time, they were purposefully not heard. In addition to this, they tried to implement a Sixteenth Amendment that dealt with women specifically, to no avail (Cahill, Bernadette). So from 1921 to 1923, Alice Paul drafted what is now known as the Equal Rights Amendment. Paul and the NWP, National Women’s Party, wanted to use this amendment in order to finally bring equality to all women (Cahill, Bernadette). The NWP had recently been fighting battles one …show more content…
One of the down falls that worked against the ERA was how women returned to their traditional social ways as soon as the men returned from war. After this, many Anti-Suffrage groups began to take their turns undermining and working against the ERA (Cahill, Bernadette). The ultimate hole that the antis exposed in the ERA was its simplicity. Paul’s attempt to ensure equality for both men and women meant, “legislation devised to protect women would not fit” (Cahill, Bernadette). Neither social feminists nor labor unions could support this because that would create “preferential treatment for some groups” (Cahill, Bernadette). It was based on reasons that the amendment could not gain the three-fourths states support in order for it to be

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