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Essay on Love


Submitted By nadsgp18
Words 379
Pages 2
Evaluating Assignment

Evaluation is a form of argumentative writing in which the writer must make a firm judgment about something and persuade the reader that this judgment is sound. The judgment must express the difference between the criteria (ideal) and the evidence (real) in an orderly, logical fashion.

With a specific audience in mind, evaluate a consumer product or service, book, work of art or movie. Make sure you can observe the object of your evaluation more than once.

You are allowed to use some sources other than your product, and if you do you must include an appropriate reference page, works cited or bibliography. You are not allowed to cite reviews of your product. If you have another idea for your evaluation, it must be approved by your instructor.

The essay that you write should arrive at a judgment based on the criteria you establish and the evidence you collect.

Length: 780-1200 words but no more than five double-spaced pages.

Audience: must be at least a college-level reader.

The final draft of this essay is due on ____________________________.

Three copies of your rough draft are due__________________________.

Evaluation: I will read the final draft of your essay with the following questions in mind:

1. Does the writer present the subject in an interesting and informative way, providing enough–but not too many–details (evidence) to orient the reader/audience? Is the evidence varied, correctly cited, and relevant to the audience?

2. Does the writer choose criteria which are appropriate to the audience? Are the criteria the basis for making the judgments?

3. Does the writer produce a clear, well-balanced judgment for his/her audience? Is the writer’s opinion specifically stated? Is the argument convincing and based on specific reasons? Does the writer’s judgment follow from the criteria chosen, or does the argument contain faulty logic?

4. Is the organization suited to the writer’s purpose? Is the thesis clear and supported by the body materials? Is the thesis restricted, unified and specific? Are the paragraphs coherent, unified, and effectively developed?

5. Is the essay well written grammatically and mechanically? Are the sentences skillfully constructed and varied? Is the diction varied and appropriate to the audience? Has the writer taken time to polish the paper for the reader?

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