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Eth/125 Week 2


Submitted By angelnatia61
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University of Phoenix Material

Appendix B

Part I

Define the following terms:

|Term |Definition |
|Stereotypes | unreliable generalizations about all members of a group that do not take individual differences |
| |into account. |
|Prejudice |a negative attitude that rejects an entire group; a negative attitude toward an entire category of |
| |people, such as a racial or ethnic minority. |
| | |
| |1: injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights; |
| |especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims |
| | |
| |2 a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion |
| | |
| |(2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge |
| | |
| |b : an instance of such judgment or opinion |
| | |
| |c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their |
| |supposed characteristics |
| | |
| |Prejudice is learned. |
|Labeling theory |According to the theory, society creates deviance through systems of social control agencies that |
| |designate certain individuals as deviant. Consequently, the stigmatized individual feels unwanted by|
| |society and begins to assume that criminal identity (a self-fulfilling prophecy). |

Part II

Select three of the identity categories below and name or describe at least 3 related stereotypes for each:

• Race • Ethnicity • Religion • Gender • Sexual orientation • Age • Disability

|Category |Stereotype 1 |Stereotype 2 |Stereotype 3 |
|Gender |Women are weak. |Women are crazy. |Women are not as smart as men. |
| | | | |
| |Many people, men I believe more |We may seem to be unstable with |This was the attitude for so |
| |so than other women, have the |our emotions, but I believe that|many years and I believe that in|
| |idea that women cannot be as |it is our hormones that cause |some areas of work it still is. |
| |strong as men. Although we women|many of our temper tantrums, | |
| |may not be as physically strong |crying jags, and anger. | |
| |I believe our emotional strength| | |
| |is on a higher level than that | | |
| |of our male counterparts. | | |
|Disability |People with disabilities are all|The most common stereotype of |They all need welfare. |
| |the same. |persons with disabilities is the| |
| |Although there are many types |victim, a character who is |Not all of disabled people |
| |and degrees of disability, |presented as a helpless object |require welfare; some are |
| |somehow they all get jumbled |of pity or sympathy. |wealthy, take Stephen Hawking |
| |into one big category. I have | |for example. |
| |heard people talk about disabled|I have seen people in | |
| |people, and many have derogatory|wheelchairs sitting at a busy | |
| |ideas, many think that disabled |intersection asking for money | |
| |people are just lazy and do not |and I do feel sad for them. | |
| |want to work anymore. | | |
|Sexual Orientation |Straight = good and accepted, |Gay/Lesbian = Out to turn |Bi-sexuals = are the |
| |disease free. Only gay and |straights into gays/lesbians. |transmitters of AIDS. |
| |lesbian spread disease. | | |
| | | | |

Part III

Answer each question in 100 to 150 words related to those stereotypes:

• What are the positive aspects of the stereotypes, if any?

There are no positive aspects of any of the stereotypes I chose. I am friends with a group of ladies (my bowling league) whom 90% of them are lesbian and not once have any of them made a pass at me or toward any of the other heterosexual women.

I would like to think that people in general who feel that women are weak, crazy and dumb, would take a look at themselves, many times what we despise in someone is what we dislike about ourselves.

People with disabilities can sometimes do more than those who have no disability, simply because they try harder. Disabled people find other ways to compensate for whatever it is they can no longer do; blind people’s other senses become sharper, for example.

• What are the negative aspects of stereotypes?

Negative stereotyping often places a group of people into an unwanted category, one that in many cases can endanger them. Oft times police will see someone dressed like a gang member, or in a way that leads them to believe they are not doing things within the law and those people might be arrested. I believe this would be a form of profiling, which to me is another word for stereotyping a person.

I have heard my neighbor tell her granddaughter you are not going out dressed like a “slut”. So dressing a certain way will certainly get you attention and there might be times when that attention is unwanted and unwarranted.

Stereotyping can also happen when working, for instance if you were an actor and your part included you playing a really goofy character, you might then be cast as someone not so smart for future parts, this type of stereotyping would be considered typecasting.

Answer each question in 150 to 250 words related to those stereotypes:

• What is the difference between stereotyping and prejudice? Use examples to illustrate the differences.

Stereotyping would be placing a label on someone on what they do for a living, or how they dress, or even where they live. Such as an actor or a construction worker, a farmer, a “Britney wanna be”, a hairstylist. Also saying a woman with big breasts and blonde hair is stupid, could be stereotyping.

Prejudice goes further in that it places a negative aspect on an entire group. For example, someone might not have a nice view about actors because they believe them all to act like Charlie Sheen. It is an unreasonable assumption and untrue. Believing that Latino-Americans are out to get all the jobs and that they live in groups like insects, is both stereotyping and prejudice. Prejudice goes further when people see a group of others, who may me African-American or Jewish and they have preset ideas of those people and all of those ideas are negative. Prejudice leads to hate and discrimination.

• What is the relationship between stereotyping and prejudice?

One can easily lead into the other. There are those who have the views that all black people are drug dealers, prostitutes, and or gang members. Those of that mindset also see blacks as an inferior race. These types of ideas go hand in hand with stereotyping and prejudice.

Stereotyping the Jewish community is putting them all into a category that they are all stingy, work in banks, own jewelry stores and will try and cheat you. Prejudice of the Jewish community is others who would try to do to them what Hitler did during World War II. He wanted them eradicated, as does the Klu Klux Klan and the other white supremacists. Their hatred is perpetuated and is unfortunately allowed because of the freedom we have here in the United States. I love where I live, but I do wish there was no hatred in our country.

• What can be done to prevent prejudice from occurring?

Education, I believe is the only way the prejudice will ever end. Ignorance is no longer bliss, it must be eradicated and the sooner the better. I understand that America is the land of the free, and we do have many freedoms although I do wish that some of those freedoms were less violent.

I believe that those who perpetuate hate should be held accountable for their actions and the actions of those who follow them. If the laws become stricter around those organizations that spread hate at every chance, then things might change.

Certainly there are certain groups that children should not be involved with; drug dealers, violent gangs, and others who have the potential to harm our children as well as themselves.

Parents should teach their children that not all homosexuals are bad and out to make them gay, just as not all Latinos, Blacks, Muslims, Arabs, and the countless other Ethnic groups across the world are bad and evil.

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