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Ethical and Moral


Submitted By myieabb2
Words 555
Pages 3
Introduce In this paper there will be a description of the differences between ethical issues and moral issues. A description of the differences between personal ethics and business ethics will be discussed. Also examples of common ethical problems in business for the ethical issues will be discussed in this paper.
Differences between ethical issues and moral issues Morals issues pertain to personal character and focus on right and wrong. Ethics issues pertain to a social system in which those morals are applied. It is said that ethics issues are standard s or codes of behavior expected by the group to which an individual belongs. The two issues co-inside with each other and for there to be an ethical issues there are three main components that needs to be present. They are non-moral facts, concepts, and the moral, or ethical aspects. The difference will be moral deal with belief and involves a factual disagreement in belief. Moral issues do not involve a disagreement in attitude or in feeling. “Ethics involves the sphere of interpersonal, group, and community politics at the level of values—not just what can be achieved or how to achieve it, but more what should be sought, in the realm of social harmony and fairness. It is the complexity of the other side of individualism—other than taking care of oneself, what do we want our collective to do or refrain from doing? Ethics looks at our proper relations, our duties to each other, individually and collectively” (Blatner, 2006, para. 4).
Differences between personal ethics and business ethics Personal ethics are described as the essence of who a person is and his beliefs are. One uses personal ethics to govern their lives and interacts with others people in the world. Possessing good personal ethics helps one to achieve their personal goals and helps them to be successful in

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