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Examine the Effects of Globalisation on China


Submitted By leahnutt
Words 1196
Pages 5
Examine the effects of globalisation on China
The process of globalisation in China has been a rapid one. China’s exponential growth since the fall of Mao has lead to increased international influence – with China now operating on an international scale.
Economically globalisation began in 1978 following Deng Xiaoping’s Open Door policy. This opened up China to foreign investment and the international markets. This lead to an influx of transnational corporations, which was advantageous to Chinese companies who benefitted from technology transfer. However, the TNC’s moved to China for its cheap labour and manufacture, which presented an ethical dilemma for China. Leaders had to decide whether to compromise on a lack of investment and poor working conditions. But Deng’s policy of “economic growth at all costs” meant that this was ignored – which has lead to consequences on the Chinese population with working conditions poor and wages low. The Special Economic Zones introduced in 1980 allow foreign investment to occur without authorization of the strict Chinese government. These areas have benefitted areas such as Xiamen SEZ greatly. Since becoming an SEZ the financial and industrial sectors have grown rapidly; its GDP of $23 billion in 2009 grew 39% in one year to $32 billion. More than 1000 foreign enterprises have invested in Xiamen, and there are now 67 universities enrolling 410,000 students a year. This has benefitted Xiamen greatly; by providing more jobs (thus reducing unemployment), providing a transfer of technology, increased money into public services, and improving living conditions. However there are disadvantages to foreign investment and the development of SEZ’s, with inequalities between rural and urban areas heightened. This is particularly true of universities, with only 6% of rural children likely to go into higher education, whilst urban children

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