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Five Myths of the Chinese Health Care System


Submitted By ra66it3
Words 8043
Pages 33
The Health Care Manager
Volume 27, Number 2, pp. 147–158
Copyright # 2008 Wolters Kluwer Health |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Five Myths of the Chinese
Health Care System
D. Rob Haley, PhD; Mei Zhao, PhD; JoAnn M. Nolin, JD;
Kerry Dunning, MHA; Sun Qiang, PhD
As China continues its moves from a socialist ideology to a market economy, the impact of its presence is being felt globally. This is especially true with China’s health care system and the challenges that it is experiencing with its 1.3 billion population. The erosion of
China’s socialist ideology was accompanied by an erosion of the government’s subsidy of health services, placing the major responsibilities of providing health care services on regional governments. Unfortunately, the impact of these policies on China’s health care system is not commonly understood, resulting in confusion and propagation of myths. For example, many believe that the Chinese government provides free health care for all citizens, and the population has not accepted Western medicine and relies primarily on traditional Chinese medicine. In addition, it is believed that there is no shortage of nurses, as the majority of care is provided at home. Finally, it is commonly believed that China’s health care issues are different from those of the United States. Exploration of these myths provides us with a better understanding and an improved ability to engage with this emerging economic global leader. Key words: China, Complimentary Therapies, Nursing, Traditional Chinese medicine,
Western Medicine

HINA’S EMERGING PRESENCE in the global economy has been accompanied by significant shifts in the country’s domestic policy, especially in the area of health care.
Erosion of the socialist ideology that shaped
China’s political landscape after the World
War II is clearly apparent in the country’s market reform

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