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From Gang Life To Grad School, By S. E.

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People have asked the question of who they were for ages. The answer has been different for everyone. Some people want to go with the flow, but there are also those who choose to change things. People have the power to change their place in life by developing a plan for change, following through despite difficulties and then staying the course. Although people face many different obstacles in life, they still push through, because they have a plan. According to the article, From Gang Life To Grad School, Anton House, a former drug dealer, graduated from college on May 14, 2011. House said, “Hey, I want to change my life.” Another example is found in The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton. This book tells a story about a gang of hoods in an Oklahoma town. In the text, one of the protagonists, Johnny, talks about how his friend and brother can leave the hood: “You still have a lot of time to make yourself what you want.” These examples illustrate how much power people have over their own lives. …show more content…
If someone wants to change something, they don’t just say, “I want change,” and then just forget about it. They protest and constantly try to make a difference. According to the article, Gang Life To Grad School, House also says, “my goal is to become a professor,” This shows how he is going to follow through and get through college. Also, in the outsiders, there is a quote that exemplifies this. The main character, Ponyboy is “bugged” about being a greaser, but at the end he decides to come out and tell other people about the conflict between the greasers and socs, “There should be some help,someone should tell them before it was too late. Someone should tell their story,” This shows how he needs to follow through with his vow to make the greasers

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