Premium Essay

Game Connectivity


Submitted By TigerNet
Words 268
Pages 2
It takes many steps while connecting to the internet to play any of my online games when using my console system.

It must first connect to my local internet service provider to establish a working connection to the internet. Also while doing this it must authenticate my information to make sure I have permission to access the internet and services required.

When using a console it also must connect to the regional server to authenticate my user information so I can access my individual profile and services. After authenticating my information it attempts to connect me to other profiles using the same media or game media.

Most of the games that I play currently also connect over oceanic lines to multiple countries. Sometimes we have over 20 countries playing the same game at one time. This takes strong internet connections on all ends to keep latency levels at a playable level.

Think of the individual areas as throttles on engines. They have to constantly speed up and slow down to make sure the data transfer rate remains constant and connected. To ensure a stable gaming environment most servers connect players based on distance from the main server. Players must occasionally adjust settings to maintain performance on higher end games.

Gaming consoles tend to do these corrections automatically without much input from the user. Personal computers, on the other hand, tend to allow a user to micromanage almost every aspect of their connections and settings.

Overall, the technology involved and innovation in the industry is constantly evolving and changing the face of connectivity on a daily basis.

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