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Global Strategy Assignment


Submitted By dimples421
Words 1694
Pages 7
Global Strategy Assignment

Lenora Lubega

Abstract page

What types of modifications in terms of "go global act local" must be made in order to have a successful product launch?
The XYZ Corporation wants to help you provide quality healthcare for the senior citizens of India. We believe in the dignity of individuals and will work untiringly to uphold these seasoned persons. The terms for healthcare facilities (‘hospital’ and ‘nursing home’) are seemingly interchangeable, since the laws governing their registration and/or services are drawn from the same forms. We would suggest modifications for your practices to merge with the local culture, in order to exhibit good faith, and to gain the trust of your clients.
One group of laws we adhere to is HIPAA. Absolutely the minimum amount of people needs access to the medical records of patients. We don’t ask about the race of our residents. We take them as they come. The main qualification for entrance is ability to pay. We do know that there are still unspoken racial boundaries, but for the most part, there aren’t any. In India, however, there still remains a class separation system of individuals called the ‘caste’. While filling out application forms, there is a space given for the applicant to fill in the caste status. This could prove troublesome, since we believe in everyone’s equality. We would state that we have a policy of inclusion and take everyone, regardless of caste. We would be introducing humanity to a culture that has long suffered separatism deeply embedded within the culture itself.
We believe in sanitation, sewage waste disposal and recycling. Upwards of 60% of India’s citizens don’t have adequate water, and live in nearly sewer-like conditions. Their waste disposal system consists of open defecation out in public places. All they need is a ‘soak pit’, where the

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