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Grading System


Submitted By keinsue
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Pages 10
Computerized Grading System ( Chapter 1 & 3 ) 1. 1. Computerized Grading System for Metropolitan Academy of Manila Christelle Joy Barreno, Amanda Arevalo, Anderson Emmanuel Abundo, and Chriselle Laput 2. 2. Page 2 1.0Introduction People nowadays are living in an information age dependent upon digital information. Digital information is electronic information, the result of computer processing. Every type of job relies upon getting information, using it, managing it, and relaying information to others. Computers enable the efficient processing and storage of information. A grading system plays a key role in the management system of any school. But, such systems do not often relate expectations, outcomes, and performance. As each student desires to achieve a good score for each assignment, exam, project and/or report, the whole process adds heavy workload for teachers in order to make their evaluation fair, comprehensive, and accurate. From the faculty perspective, these are necessary to avoid disagreement from students and parents. A computerized grading system is a highly desirable addition to the educational tool-kit, particularly when it can provide less effort and a more effective and timely outcome. Grading systems are designed to provide incentives for achievement and assist in identifying problem areas of a student. It is the most commonly used means of analyzing student performance, talents and skills. Students’ grades are vital information needed in advancing to the next grade/year level and its accuracy is very important. Many teachers feel that the time they take in recording and computing for the grades of their students is time that could be better spent elsewhere, like preparing lessons, researching or meeting with their students. With the advent of computer technology, more and more schools are taking advantage of a variety of grading

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Grading System

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