Premium Essay



Submitted By jbarus
Words 684
Pages 3
Start Date: 11/08/2011
This course focuses on the adaptation of organizational management to evolving health systems. Students will examine organizational theory, organizational performance, structure, change management and human resource management. Students apply various organizational theories to contemporary issues.
Week 1 - Topic 1: Organizational/Management Theory
Describe organizational design, function, and processes.
Explain how accountability affects the behavior of an organization.
Illustrate factors that define and shape an organization.
Textbook used in this course:
EBOOK COLLECTION: Liebler, J.G. & McConnell C.R (2008). Management Principles for Health Professionals. (5th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Reading Assignments for Week One:
EBOOK COLLECTION: Management Principles for Health Professionals, Chapter 1
EBOOK COLLECTION: Management Principles for Health Professionals, Chapter 3
EBOOK COLLECTION: Management Principles for Health Professionals, Chapter 4
READING: Required Electronic Reserve Readings:"Ethical implications of transparency." by Nelson and Campbell
ARTICLE: Week One Electronic Reserve Readings
Memo Assignment:
A new CEO has just taken over your organization and would like a brief report on the current state of your organization in order to formulate a strategy for improving its performance.
Describe your organization in terms of its design (centralized, decentralized, location, and so on) and functionality in a brief memo of 350 to 500 words.
Memo Assignment
Week 2 - Topic 1: Decision Making and Organizational Structure
Establish a means to evaluate a decision’s importance.
Apply some of the tools and techniques available to aid decision making.
Evaluate the

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