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Health Care Quality Management


Submitted By sande
Words 3563
Pages 15
ASSIGNMENT: Using theory on healthcare quality. Critically evaluate approaches that you, as a healthcare manager, could use to improve the quality of care provided by your organization.

The concept of "quality" has been contemplated throughout history and continues to be a topic of intense interest today. Quality of service is rendered extremely important in any industry and it has been a subject of study and research in many fields. (Reeves and Bednar, 1994) This essay will look at definitions of quality in healthcare; examine the theories of quality in healthcare and approaches taken toward evaluating and improving quality of health services in Uganda’s public health sector with the main focus on the implementation of Millennium Development Goals.
The discussion will focus on patient satisfaction as an aspect of quality and how it influences quality of care provided from a District healthcare manager’s perspective, analyse factors that influence patient satisfaction, how the MDGs aim to improve the quality of care provided to patients by exposing the gaps between healthcare management perceptions of service quality and how the service is actually being delivered to the consumers.

Social constructionism in healthcare
In social constructionism it is important to look at social settings and human way of life when focusing on healthcare in different cultures and societies. Class and social stratification can have profound implications for the way we experience health and illness and other life opportunities and expectations. Social structures (like class, religion, gender or law) didn’t suddenly appear fully formed as we know them now, they developed over time, through discourses and continue to move on, formed by economic, political, moral, environmental, social and technological changes. Such changes profoundly affect expectations in health

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