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How Did Hamilton Contribute To Government

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Rowan Stevenson
Alexander Hamilton: First U.S. Secretary of the Treasury My patriot is Alexander Hamilton and he lived from 1757-1809. He was born in the West Indies, but then he moved to New York. He was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention and a major author of the Federal Papers. He was also the first, as the title suggests, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. This contribution is important to our society as a whole because he created the first National Bank. In his early life, his mother died at the age of 38 in 1768 and took his first job at the age of 11 as an accounting clerk. He quickly impressed his employer, and 5 years later enrolled at King’s College at the age of 16 where he studied politics. It was because of this that he became a Patriot. …show more content…
He also lead a successful raid for the British in the battery, and was appointed the first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury on September 11, 1789 by George Washington.
In his later life, final years, and death, he worked as a prominent lawyer and army general, and established a daily newspaper, the New York Post. On July 11, 1804, vice president Burr and Hamilton exchanged shots on the Jersey side of the Hudson River, leaving Hamilton mortally wounded. He died the next afternoon.
Again, his major contribution was being a delegate to the Constitutional Convention and a major author of the Federal Papers, which promoted the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. He was also the first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury.
The impact at that time was that America would have its first National Bank, just like England. The lasting impact was that he created America’s first National Bank, with other small ones soon to follow. Also, the lasting impact of him writing the Federalist Papers was that it enabled the creation of the U.S. Constitution.

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