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How Does Huck Finn Influence Society

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The Influences of the Society In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, I encountered a Dynamic character who struggles against society and its effort in civilizing him. Huck has to make the decision of his life to follow through with society and turn in Jim (slave) or protect him and help him escape. When Huck makes the decision to not go along with society and tears up the letter to Miss Watson it shows Huck's moral development and the moment shapes Huck as a whole because it shows you to do what you believe is morally right rather than following society’s values.

As Huck is writing the letter to Miss Watson, he makes the decision to tear up the letter. Huck rips the paper and says to himself, “Alright then, I'll go to hell.”(pg 162)This is such a striking comment to read because as Huck chooses to go to hell, he has given up to the concept of an ethic of right and wrong. Huck has deserted the world of contentment and comfort to make a righteous choice. He has come to a realization that it's time to do what he believes is right no matter the consequences. Huck concludes that he is going to hell because he is helping a runaway slave escape, which society has taught him to be a sinful action. This shows Huck's moral development is progressing as …show more content…
162) instead. This means that he will protect Jim and help him become a free man. This shows how Huck’s mind set has changed through the course of the novel. Huck went from believing that people would call him a, “lowdown abolitionist and despise him for keeping a mum..” (pg. 32) for not turning in Jim, to wanting to help Jim escape to freedom. It is evident that at the beginning of the novel Huck would feel ashamed of being humiliated for the rest of his life for helping a runaway slave. Although, he has grown to become independent and make decisions for himself despite what society has to

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