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How Important Was The American Economy In The 18th Century

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For hundreds of years, England was the best country in many ways. Economically, they were the head of trade, they had the best military, England also had some of the richest history in the last six hundred years. The only country that had them beat was Rome, and Rome had been destroyed hundreds of years before England grew large. Suddenly, America had split from England, causing a large scale war and a ton of debt in England. But, England still prevailed. Suddenly, in the mid 18th century, Americans start inventing new and crazy things to make work much more efficient. Immediately this caused issues with England’s economy, families and put England in a place of struggling with America. Now, one of the main issues back then with the new machines and an issue even today, is the …show more content…
They were the head of trade, but now Americans are barging right in and destroying everything they knew with their machines and confidence. This quickly drops England down to second place, and leaves them scrambling to not be left behind. To make things worse for them, if they do not buy these machines, they will for sure make less of the product and be left behind in the long run. They, in essence, had no choice but to buy these machine and help out the Americans. As you can imagine, this did not make the English people happy. England was in a rut at this point, and if they did not go forward with this plan they would end up going backwards. Families were destroyed, companies were damaged, the economy was dropped. Some of the citizens were afraid that the country was done after this, there was no way that they could recover. Clearly they were wrong, but this was still a strong fear. So, in the end, while the industrial revolution was massive for change, it caused some large problems in England that could not be reversed. Even if the men were hired again, they would know that they could be fired just like that

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