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How Tp Get Motivated


Submitted By GhulamMustafa
Words 517
Pages 3
How to get motivated?

Motivation is the reason behind a person’s actions or reactions. It is the driving force that makes people stroll along the path to success with ease, defying any obstacle that comes in their way. Simultaneously, it can also be the sole reason due to which a person develops an inability to succeed. More importantly, today we are going to identify why the latter occurs and how can it be rectified. Why does a person get stuck in a rut? Why does a person think that they can never achieve what they set out to do? Every now and then you, me and all of us set these goals of losing a couple of inches of fat, spending more time with our loved ones, getting the promotion that we’ve always been dreaming of. What is it that stops us from accomplishing these goals and how can we overcome this fortress of demotivation? Let’s have a look at some of the approaches that we’ve identified that could help:

1) ‘The Carrot and The Stick’ Approach:

Usually, when people set out to strive for a goal they forget about the finer things in life and forget to relish what they have achieved already. On the other hand, when people become totally lethargic about having to do something and they simply can’t figure out a way to get themselves to start work then the best way to go about it is to follow ‘The Carrot and Stick’ approach to motivate themselves. In layman terms, the carrot is the reward and the stick is the punishment. This approach illustrates that a system that combines both the elements should be used to induce motivation in people. Lets say your goal is to reduce you’re weight from a staggering 300 pounds to a handsome 160 pounds, at every pound that you reduce you should make it a habit of celebrating this success with rewarding yourself with one special meal which will act as your carrot or at every pound that you gain make it a habit to walk an extra kilometer which will act as your stick. These rewards and punishments are essentially a reminder for you to remain focused and not lose sight of the goal.

2) The ‘Simplicity’ Approach:
We as people, have a tendency to do many things at a time which gets us nothing and in the end leaves the sour, filthy taste of demotivation within us. To get rid of it, the following six-part approach can be chosen: * First of all establish one single goal. * Secondly, find your soul i.e. try to get inspired, that will ultimately get you excited and start rolling things. * Commit to your goal. Keep reminders on the refrigerator, mark the calendar or post to your facebook. * Start with small milestones. Take baby steps. That will keep you employed with the fact that you are doing something. * At any point in time there is an urge to quit. Get help from anyone that listens to you. This will bolster your morale indefinitely. * Be Positive throughout the whole ordeal.

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