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Imam Tirmidhi


Submitted By syimaemuahaha
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IMAM TIRMIDHI’S CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS HADITH Imam Tirmidhi (R.A.) shows his excellent contribution to Islam since 220 AH. He spent his life into research in science of Ahadith and shows his passion in collecting maximum knowledge from other great personalities of his time such as Imam Bukhari (R.A.), Imam Muslim(R.A.) and Imam Abu Dawood (R.A.). He has written lots of works such as Al-Jami’ al-Mukhtasar min as-Sunan ‘an Rasulillah, Tawarikh, al-‘Ilal al-Kabir, Shama’il, Asma’ as-Sahabah, Al-Asma’ wal Kuna, Al-Athar al-Mawqufah. and he was the compiler of as-Sunan at-Tirmidhi which is one of his most famous book and was completed on 10 Zulhijjah 270 AH . As-Sunan at-Tirmidhi has been categorized as fourth among the sixth most authentic books of hadith (Kutub as sittah) . Despite that, as-Sunan at-Tirmidhi contains a lot of benefits and the book was widely circulated through the Muslim world. He had divided his sunan into 46 chapter which contains 3956 hadith. His main objective to compile Al-Jami’ was to arrange the hadith of prophet s.a.w systematically, to discuss the legal opinions of early Imams and to discuss the quality of the hadith whether it can be argued or not and to deliberate about the weakness and deficiency in certain hadith. His Al-Jami’ also considered as a reference for various schools of thoughts. During Imam Tirmidhi’s life, he has traveled through out the Islamic World. According to Hafiz Mizzi, he travelled to various cities and heard from the traditionist of Khurasan, Iraq, Hijaz, and others. It is narrated that he took hadith from more than 200 narrators of hadith and due to his commitment in travelling numerous journeys, he also had a large number of students from all over the world. Amongst them were Muhammad b. Sahal, Dawood b. Nasr b. Sohail and Hammad b. Shakir Al-Warraq. Imam Tirmidhi has shown a great model to us in seeking knowledge. He has devoted his whole life for learning and studying Hadith. He spent his lives in narrating and verifying the Hadith of the Prophet s.a.w. and he had a great contribution to Islam that the Muslim community has to admit, his efforts saved a lot of the Islamic heritage of the schools of Fiqh from loss.

[ 1 ]. Studies in Hadith Methodology and Literature. Page 135. M. Mustafa Al-Azami.
[ 2 ]. Introduction of Science of Hadith. Ismail Abdullah.
[ 3 ]. Penghantar Ulum Hadith. Rosmawati Ali @ Mat Zin

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