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Immunization Records Mgt System


Submitted By deoy
Words 7325
Pages 30









JULY 2013


I hereby declare that this research which submitted to the department of communication and education of Buganda Royal institute is my original work and it is and it has never been submitted to any other degree/diploma award institute.


Reg No:BR/DCS/8045/11



I approve that this research report has been under my supervision and it is ready for Submission to the academic council of Buganda Royal Institute.

Supervisor’s Name: Mr. SSekuwanda Henry

Signature: ____________________________

Date: ___/07/2013


I dedicate this research report firstly my mother who has sacrificed whatever My siblings and my friends at Buganda Royal Institute for both moral and financial support they have provided. May the almighty God Reward them accordingly.


I would like to acknowledge this piece of work most especially to; My Supervisor Mr.Ssekuwanda Henry for sacrificing his time and supervise my research, his guidance and support. My friends at Buganda Royal institute for their corrections in areas where I went wrong. May the almighty God reward you all.



Approval ii



Contents v


1.0 Introduction 1

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