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Importance Of Personal Branding

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1. The technological revolution has changed the structure of careers today. It used to be that you went to work for one or two companies in your entire career. Today we will all have as many as four to eight jobs or careers in our lifetime. Personal Branding is essential to career development and an effective career tool because it helps define who you are, what do you stand for, what makes you unique, special, and different, how you are great, and why you should be sought out.
2. The change in the way we communicate. The Internet has elevated each of us to the position of publisher. Email, newsgroups, bulletin boards, blogs, and online network and discussion groups afford all of us the opportunity to learn, network and get exposure for our businesses and ourselves. People want to do business with people they know or people they feel they can trust, with whom they feel …show more content…
In Rajesh Setty’s words (2006), “Everyone has a Personal Brand, because very simply everyone makes a promise to the world— some explicitly but most implicitly...You are your biggest asset…Position yourself so that you can do things that you’re passionate about .When you live your life, you live your brand. Your brand is who you really are”. You should take control of your brand and the message it sends and affect how others perceive you. This will help you to actively grow and distinguish yourself as an exceptional professional. Having a good professional reputation or brand seems to be a very important asset in today’s online, virtual, and individual age. It is becoming increasingly essential and it’s the key to success in life. It is the strategy behind the world's most successful people, like Oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Donald Trump, Richard Branson and Bill Gates. It’s therefore important to be your own brand in order to attract success just like they

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