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Introduction to the Sciences Unit 2


Submitted By ricketyshack
Words 264
Pages 2
Outline - Phase 2 Individual Project

Computer Revolution

●~● The atom is the basic building block of all matter.

▪ What are 3 essential elements of any material?

1) Volume

2) Mass

3) Density


There are four elements are present to some degree in every unit of matter.

1) "Earth Element - This is the property by which a material body has some degree of hardness or softness, roughness or smoothness.

2) Water Element - This represents the property of cohesion. Because of the water element, material particles bind together and adhere to one another.

3) Heat Element - This is the principle of heat by which all material phenomena possess some degree of heat. Even when a particular substance feels cold to us, that is only becasue it contains less heat than our body. But every material body possesses some degree of heat.

4) Air Element - This is the principle of distention, by reason of which all material particles are in a state of vibration. By reason of the air element, material bodies exhibit a motion". (D. Hamma, 2014).

▪ New materials often lead to new technologies that change society. Describe how silicon-based semiconductors revolutionized computing.

• What are microchips?

• How are they related to integrated circuits?

• One of the pressing questions about the increasing ability of computers to quickly process large amounts of information is whether a computer can be built that is considered "alive" or "conscious."

>• What is artificial intelligence?

>•What are 2 essential differences between human brains and the central processing unit of a computer?


(D. Hamma, 2014).

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