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Job Satisfaction


Submitted By sarmaes
Words 12478
Pages 50
Leadership is the ability to evaluate and or forecast a long term plan or policy and influence the followers towards the achievement of the said strategy. Job satisfaction is the level of contentment a person feels regarding his or her job. This feeling is based on an individual's perception of satisfaction. Job satisfaction can be influenced by a person's ability to complete required tasks, the level of communication in an organization, and the way management treats employees. There are often two different levels of job satisfaction: affective job satisfaction and cognitive job satisfaction. Affective job satisfaction is a person's emotional feeling toward the job as a whole. Cognitive job satisfaction is how satisfied a person feels concerning an aspect of his or her job, such as pay, hours, or benefits.
The connection between leadership and job satisfaction is a factor of the business culture that can have far-reaching consequences. In the best of scenarios, managers and other leaders within the company structure inspire employees to take pride in their work and also feel competent in the tasks they are assigned. This goal is pursued using a number of different strategies, helping to create a working situation that enhances employee satisfaction in general, and satisfaction with the job in particular. The end result is that the company enjoys a higher level of productivity, there is a lower amount of employee turnover, and the working environment tends to be more stable and appealing. There is no doubt that exercising responsible leadership will lead to high job satisfaction among employees. While there is no single right way to motivate employees to find fulfillment in the work assigned to them, astute and observant managers will often find that using a few basic strategies will make the positive connection between leadership and job satisfaction more apparent. Many of those strategies are built around the cultivation and maintenance of an open line of communication between managers and the employees they oversee. One of the more effective paths to effective leadership and job satisfaction is establishing rapport between company leaders and the employees they manage. Ideally, the management process will be structured in a manner that allows the manager to be accessible to every employee on the team. Employees should feel free to bring matters of concern to the manager and know that the concerns will be considered seriously. In turn, the manager will make the proactive effort to understand both the strengths and the weaknesses of each employee, help the employee when improvement is necessary and generally help that employee master the skills necessary to be more productive. Adopting this type of give and take situation in the workplace often helps employees to feel more invested in the company and in their particular team, helping to forge a link between leadership and job satisfaction that could not exist otherwise

The purpose of this study then emerges as the need to identify the prevalent leadership styles in RUBCO and to measure the employee job satisfaction, with a view to exploring the relationship between leadership style and job satisfaction.

OBJECTIVES * To assess the leadership style * To identify the factors which influence the job satisfaction of employees * To identify the factor this improves the satisfaction level of employees. * To know the employee satisfaction towards leadership. * To offer valuable suggestions to improve the satisfaction level of employees.

LIMITATIONS * Time has been a major constraint throughout the study as it has been only for duration of 1 month. * As this survey was restricted to Kerala this cannot be stated as an in depth research on this subject. * Enough care is taken in formulating the questionnaire; still some errors may creep in

Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. It is a relatively recent term since in previous centuries the jobs available to a particular person were often predetermined by the occupation of that person’s parent. There are a variety of factors that can influence a person’s level of job satisfaction. Some of these factors include the level of pay and benefits, the perceived fairness o the promotion system within a company, the quality of the working conditions, leadership and social relationships, the job itself (the variety of tasks involved, the interest and challenge the job generates, and the clarity of the job description/requirements).
The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Job design aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance methods include job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment. Other influences on satisfaction include the management style and culture, employee involvement, empowerment and autonomous workgroups. Job satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured by organizations. The most common way of measurement is the use of rating scales where employees report their reactions to their jobs. Questions relate to relate of pay, work responsibilities, variety of tasks, promotional opportunities the work itself and co-workers. Some questioners ask yes or no questions while others ask to rate satisfaction on 1 – 5 scale 9where 1 represents “not all satisfied” and 5 represents “extremely satisfied”).

Definitions Job satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job; an affective reaction to one’s job; and an attitude towards one’s job. Weiss (2007) has argued that job satisfaction is an attitude but points out that researchers should clearly distinguish the objects of cognitive evaluation which are affect (emotion), beliefs and behaviors. This definition suggests that we from attitudes towards our jobs by taking into account our feelings, our beliefs, and our behaviors.

Industry Profile

Rubberized coir mattress segment is a high competitive. This segment is having more than 50 % of the market share in the mattress industry. Rubberized coir mattress industry has more than 45 odd brands and over 200 different models. The major players in the industry are Kurl – on, Duroflex, Sulfex, Rubco and Sunidra.

The birth of rubberized Coir Industry is quite amusing and interesting. Prior to the year 1960 people hardly had any idea of this novel and high utility product. In those days the world famous car manufactures, M.S. Volks Wagon of Germany, were using horse hair as cushion filling material for their car seats. As their production increased from 100 cars per day to 300 cars per day, there was dearth of this raw material. This necessitated a suitable alternative product for rubberization and which would suit to their specifications, after various alternative tried like sisal fiber, jute fiber, the coir fiber was decidedly found to be the best. This was the beginning of Rubberized coir industry. The Indian rubberized Coir Industry is nearly five decades old. It was in 1964 that M/s/ Bharat Motors of Chennai established its manufacturing unit. Many other units came up during sixties itself.

After nearly one decade of its introduction. Government of India recognized Rubberized coir mattress as a healthy and hygienic product. Slowly many state Governments recognized rubberized coir as “Wealth from waste” and advocated the use of rubberized coir mattress in various hospitals, health clinics etc. Other types of Mattress Are * Cotton Mattress * Form Mattress * Spring Mattress

Cotton Mattress

The cotton mattress mainly targets lower income group. This mattress is priced very low. The cotton mattress industry has a market share of 50%.

Form Mattress
Form mattress segment comes at next place after rubberized coir mattress industry. This industry having a market share of 9 to 10% this industry mainly target consumer belonging to upper income and upper middle income group. The major players in form industry are MM form, sleep well.
Spring MATTRESS The industry target consumers belonging to the upper income group. The major players in spring industry are spring well, Sealy Kurl – on etc.
Growth During Last 4 Decades From a handful of manufactures, during early 60s this product got some market recognition in early 70s. In the next 3 decades over one hundred manufactures have entered rubberized coir field. Today rubberized coir products are increasingly used in many industries notably in transport industry like railways and buses, packaging industry (Pharmaceuticals, heavy engineering, electronic etc), hospitals theatres and auditorium. The basic raw material for Rubberized Coir Industry is the brown coir fiber and the natural latex rubber. Over the last decade, the brown coir sector has registered a tremendous growth.

World Scenario
There are mainly three major players in the industry and are as follows

a) Sealy Corporation

Sealy Corporation is the major mattress manufacturer and it got the name from the place it started, Sealy, Texas.

b) King Coil

Founded in 1988, Koil has over a century of experience crafting high – quality, affordable bedding both in United States and throughout the world.

c) Simmons Bedding Company

Simmon Bedding Company is a major manufacture of mattress and is one of the oldest companies in the United States, for over 152 years.

Indian Scenario

The rubberized coir mattress market of India is estimated to be highly fragmented with little brand loyalty. The major players in the rubberized coir mattress industry in India are.

a) Kurlon Limited Kurlon Limited, a Manipal group company came into existence in 1962. Kurlon Limited is the brand leader in the mattress industry and has acquired major market share in the branded mattress segment.

b) Duroflex

Duroflex is the largest exporter of sleep and comfort products from India started its operations in 1963. Now the company has got three manufacturing units for rubberized coir mattress. c) Century Mattress

Century fiber plates Pvt. Ltd. Started its rubberized coir plant at Hyderabad in 1988 under the brand name “Century”. Century is the first mattress manufacturer with ISO – 9001 -2000 series and ISI Certification.

State Scenario

In India, the coir industry has developed very well especially in Kerala where they produce ‘Retted Fiber’. Green husks of coconut are immersed in the salty back waters for 10 to 12 months. The main players in rubberized coir mattress industry are

a) Duroflex

Duroflex is the leading mattress manufacturer in India which started its operations in 1963. Duroflex is the largest exporter of sleep and comfort products from India

b) Eastern Sunidra

Eastern sunidra Mattresses pvt. Ltd.. Is a part of Kerala’s renowned business conglomerate, the Eastern Group of Companies. c) Rubco Kerala State Rubber Co-operative Limited (Rubco) was set up in the year 1997. Rubco was incepted with prime objective of effectively utilizing the abundant rubber resource of Kerala.

The Indian coir industry has a diversified structure, reflective of the board ranges of raw materials and value – added products involved. The industry provides at least part – time employment to an estimated 40,000 persons. At the beginning of the value chain are approximately 300 fibers milers with usually less than 10 employees and an estimated 500 supplies of coir pith, or dust. Their output is either purchased for direct export or undergoes manufacturing for twine, mats and brushes, rubberized coir mattresses and pots, geo textiles and pith products. Products, which are technically more demanding or better, suited for mass production, such as high – end twine, brushes, rubberized coir and erosion control blankets are predominantly produced in larger facilities, employing more persons.
Now in rubberized coir mattress industry the competition is more and more, the demand of the product is in growth stage. So only the quality mattress industry can survive in the competitive world.

Company Profile

Company Profile

Kerala state rubber Co-operative limited (RUBCO), is situated in Kannur; Kerala State, India, is promoted by the provisional Government of Kerala to promote Rubber based industries in this part of the country. Today India enjoys 4th position in the production of natural Rubber (NR) in the world. Among the total production, small state of Kerala contributes 92%. So rubber has become the backbone of our economy. Due to the bad impact of globalization the overall market of rubber fell down Kerala, that time instability in price of rubber was one of the major problem that farmers facing in the market. The farmers were no getting fair price for their effort. But this problem has come to an end since 1997, because The Kerala State Rubber Co-operative Ltd. (RUBCO) came into existence in this year on the purpose of exploring the infinite possibilities of rubber. Since its inception in 1997, RUBCO has traveled long. It has entered into various Rubber and Rubber wood based industries like Hawai Chappel with reputed Malaysian Technology, Cycle Tyres and Tubes, Rubberized Coir Mattress, conventional and procured tread rubber, block Rubber (SMR), Pale Latex Crepe (PLC), casual shoes etc.

Vision and Mission
For last half decade with a vision to become a global leader in the production of Natural rubber products and innovative product development, RUBCO adopts the best and latest process in the production.
“RUBCO means Rubber and Rubber means RUBCO”
Today, from a single unit company, RUBCO has grown into a Rs. 280 Crore Conglomerate with well diversified operations. Divisions operating under Rubco Group are involved in a wide range of business such as footwear, furniture, cycle Tyre and Tube, Rubberized Coir Mattress and Natural Rubber. Rubco is the largest Exporter of Natural Rubber to all leading Rubber based companies in India. Rubco is led by a professional management team and supported by a committed workforce. Rubco is now poised to enter a high growth phase with several initiatives that will take the Group on path Expansion and Diversification.


* To ensure a steady market with remunerative price to rubber growers for their natural rubber * Welfare of rubber grower particularly of small and marginal segment


* To Promote, establish, maintain and manage the business related to manufacture and sale of tyres, both radial and bias for Heavy Vehicles, LCV, Passenger Cars and other four wheelers. * Tyres for three wheelers and two wheelers * Purchase and sale of rubber in any form such as Latex, Sheets, Crumbs and Laces * Manufacturing of Rubber Wood based on products
Kerala State Rubber Co-operative Ltd (RUBCO) has in a short span, redefined the way the cooperative sector functions and set the pace for the co-operative Movement in Kerala today. Rubco was set up in the year 1997 with the objective of effectively utilizing the abundantly available rubber resources of Kerala. Today, from a single unit company, Rubco has grown in top an Rs.280 crore conglomerate with well diversified operations and market presence extending beyond the boundaries of Kerala. Rubco manufactures and markets variety of products from footwear to furniture, from Cycle tyre tube and tyres to mattress.
Rubco has also entered into technological alliances with world leader in the respective field; sourcing from them state –of –art technology. Substantial investments in modern manufacturing facilities, coupled with well organized marketing activities, have seen Rubco’s products earn a reputation for quality and significant market shares. Rubco is largest exporter of natural rubber in the country today. Even in the domestic market, Rubco is a major supplier of natural rubber to all leading Tyre combines in India. Rubco is also a Government intervention agency towards market stabilization and has been serving the farming community directly and indirectly to get reasonable price, arresting drastic fall in price during peak production periods; natural rubber trading has being a blend of social obligation and commercial practicability led by a professional management team and ably supported by a committed workforce, Rubco is now poised to enter a high growth phase, with several new initiatives that will take the group on a path of expansion and diversification rubber holds immense potential, Rubco hopes to create opportunities and bring Industrial progress to a land that accounts for 92% of the country’s natural rubber production.
The Administration and management of RUBCo vests in the Board of Directors consisting of fifteen members as follows:
Nine directors elected by ‘A’ class shareholders from among themselves
Two directors elected by ‘B’ class shareholders from among themselves.
Four ex – officio directors viz
Register of cooperative societies, Kerala
Chairman of the Indian Rubber Board
President, Kerala State Cooperative Bank Ltd.
Managing Director, Rubco
CHAIRMAN: Mr. E. Narayan
He is a veteran Co-operator and is holding various positions as Chairman in Central and state level cooperative organization.
He has more than 25 years of experience as CEO in corporate sector.
OTHER DIRECTORS 1. Sri. M.V. Koman Nambiar 2. Sri. Panneri Mukundan 3. Sri George Mathew 4. Sri V. N. Vasavan 5. Sri U. Azzez 6. Sri N. Chandran 7. Sri K. Manoharan 8. Sri V.P. Saseendran 9. Sri K.S. Gopi 10. Smt Satyabhama K.N. 11. Smi Jacob D. Mathew 12. The Chairman Rubber Board, Kottayam 13. The Registrar of Cooperative societies, TVM 14. The President,Kerala State Cooperative Bank, Trivandrum
Government of Kerala along with Indian Rubber Board and some district and primary Cooperative Banks in Kerala are the promoters of RUBCO. Government of Kerala holds the majority of the shares. The top share holder are Government of Kerala, Rubber Board, Kottayam District Cooperative

Bank,Ernakulam District Cooperative Bank, Palakkad District Cooperative Bank, Kannur District Cooperative Bank, Thrissur District Cooperative Bank, Trivandrum District Cooperative Bank and Kollam District Cooperative Bank.

Miltestions of Rubco

9th June 1997 | Registered RUBCO, Commenced operations in October in the year same year | 15th October 1997 | Commenced procurement of rubber | 17th February 1998 | Commenced procurement of rubber from farmers through depots | 28th May 1998 | Foundation stone laid for foot wear manufacturing factory and thread rubber manufacturing unit at Koothparambu, Vaiuavelicham Industrial Centre. | June 1998 | Exported rubber to Singapore & Nepal | July 1998 | RUBCo takes over the reins of Sreekandapuram Latex (Pvt). Ltd | 11th February 1999 | Entred in to an important agreement on technological collaboration for manufactures of ultra light weight footwear with H-tech sectors | 2nd March 1999 | Foundation stone laid for P.L.C. factory in Sreekandapuram | 23rd June 1999 | Signed significant technical collaboration agreement with long Huat Berhad of Malaysia for the processing of wood and furniture that | 13th August 1999 | Rubco Footwear hit the market | 19th October 1999 | Foundation Stone laid for the rubber wood processing and furnituring unit | 30th October 1999 | Foundation stone laid for Rubberized coir foam Factory at Pampady , Kottayam | 9th December 1999 | Entered into an agreement with M/s Tog Teik (Pvt) Ltd of Singapore to Export 15000 Metric tons of rubber first time from India. | 8th March 2000 | Entered in to a technical collaboration with Pancarwarna management and Consulting service. Malaysia for Manufacture of casual of shoes. | 6th May 2000 | Foundation stone laid for casual shoe project | 1st January 2001 | Rubco huat wood furniture factory commenced commercial production |

16th June 2001 | Incorporation of RUBCO tire India Pvt. Ltd | 20th April 2002 | Started activities of coconut complex for the production of virgin coconut oil and ancillary products | 6th December 2002 | Started RUBCO RUFAS Scheme (collection of natural rubber latex from farmers) | 20th December 2002 | Expression of interest submitted to the government of Kerala for setting unit for the production of rubber components for automobiles and with a capital. Outlay of 20 million USD | 23rd January 2003 | Signed MOU with Coconut Pacific Pvt. Ltd of Australia for the production of Coconut Virgin oil |
Rubco is a well diversified industrial conglomerate with a strong presence in the rubber based industrial segment. Rubco was formed with the prime objective of utilizing abundantly available rubber resources of Kerala. In a short span of time Rubco has successfully introduced a wide range of fast moving rubber based products. Today Rubco group of companies has established new factories of Rubber Footwear, Cycle Tyres & Tubes, Rubberized coir mattress, processed rubber and rubber molded coir mats.
RUBCO FOOTWEAR DIVISION-Making Impressive Strided Rubco’s footwear division manufactures a range of quality casual rubber Footwear. The plant employs sophisticated machinery and has production capacity of 3.6 million pair’s annum. The product range includes sturdy regular and comfy ultra-light (manufactured under the renewed Malaysian technology), perfect blend, quality raw material and superior manufacturing methods make the Rubco range second to none. In the short span, Rubco has made its presence felt in fiercely competitive markets on account of the excellent quality of its products. This division also manufactures honey comb rubber mats in fascinating colors.
Rubco’s footwear range presently comprises of three leading brands Rubco Hawaii, Rubco Rainbow and Rubco Classic, Rubco Hawaii has durable flexi strap, soft insoles and power grip technology, offering true value for money, Rubco Rainbow is a colorful range of ultra light casual footwear with cushioned insoles and extra soft straps. Rubco classic is a top quality Hawaii that provides excellent wearing comfort and durability.
RUBCO CYCLE TYPES& TUBE DIVISION- On the Fast Track Rubco Cycle Types & Tube division has already gone on stream manufacturing a range of sturdy, technologically superior cycle tyres and tubes suitable for rough terrains and track. The production facility spread over 25000 sq.ft. Is equipped with modern imported machinery including Taiwan made CNC mould which imparts better finish to the tyre. The plant has an annual installed capacity of 3 million tyre and tube. Rubco’s range of cycle tyres and tubes has advanced features such as high non skid depth improved wet-skid resistance. High tensile copper coated steel bead wires add durability and rim holding capacity. The entire range of cycle tyres is being exported to the U.K.
RUBCO HUAT WOODS PVT.LTD- Design on the Future.
A joint venture with Long Huat Group Berhard of Malaysia, a world leader in rubber wood furniture, this division manufactures a range of elegant furniture and quality edge-geld panels using the eco-friendly rubber wood. Rubber wood properly treated and processed, is emerging as the deal substitute to rain forest wood, as it offers the same strength, durability and finish as the latter, and also helps preserve the environment. The furniture manufacturing plant has a processing capacity of 40.000 metric tons per year. The products are being exported to UK, USA, Japan and many other countries across the globe.
Rub wood, the furniture range, comprise of dining tables and chairs, designer wardrobes, futons kitchen cabinets and computer and office furniture and is available in the choice of designs and finish. The edge-geld panels manufactured using sophisticated finger jointing technology, are easy to saw, drill, bore on stain and have excellent nail- holding capacity.
RUBCO SREEKANDAPURAM LATEX PVT. LTD- Tapping new opportunities.
Rubco Sreekandapuram Latex Pvt. Ltd became a part of the Rubco group when a loss- making unit was taken over by Rubco by acquiring 65% of its shares. In a short span of time, by sound backroom operations unit was turned around and is today posting profits. The company manufactures Block Rubber (ISNR) and pale Latex Crepe( PLC).Rubco is in the process of expanding the scope of operations of this unit in line with market trends .
RUBCO SALES INTERNATIONAL LTD- Crafting Winning strategies
Rubco Sales International (RSIL) is a public Ltd. Company promoted by Rubco to spearhead the sales and the marketing activities for Rubco’s entire range of product in the domestic and international markets. Within a short span of its inception, RSIL could effectively develop a deft, competent network domestically as well as globally and undertaken the successful launch of Rubco’s product. Apart from gathering market information and monitoring the supply chain system, this division is also responsible for nurturing and sustaining excellent customer relations.
The project envisages establishment of 100 co- operative coconuts processing units in kerala. To start with, this will be increased to 200 units subsequently for the production of coconut oil directly from green coconut nuts without going through conventional copra or milk route. The process methodology is commonly known as Direct Micro Expelling (DME) Technology. The centralized packing unit is at Thalassery in Kannur District.
The place is accessible by road and rail from all other parts of the country. The place is blessed with all infrastructure facilities for setting of such a project.
Coconut oil extracted from fresh coconut kernel by Direct Micro Expelling Technology is of very high quality and commands a premium price because of its use as a health product. This is a highly sought after item as a health product and is used as massage oil and also as baby oil for massaging small kids. Coconut oil is a much sought after product for edible use in the households and non-edible use as hair oil and as cosmetic and industrial oil.
The project also proposed to set up a centralized packing cum marketing unit for Virgin coconut oil manufacturing the cooperative processing units.
The main future plans and the progressing proposals of Rubco group are:
Rubco is in the process of setting up a project for the manufacture of tyres and tubes for two and three wheelers, passenger cars, heavy duty trucks and light commercial vehicles. The ground work is underway and the division will be launched in the near future. It will have a production capacity of 6 million tyres and tubes annually.

The project will be located in the proposed industrial growth centre being developed at Valiyavelicham, about 35 Kms from Kannur city.
Capacity and Product Mix: The plant will have a 2.33 million numbers of radial and bias tyres per annum which 75 million would be utilized for the truck drivers, 1.5 million for light type passenger’s tyre and balance would be for two or three wheelers.
Investment: 96 million
Employment:600 persons
Location: Thalassery, Kannur district, Kerala
Capacity: 1.5 million pair per annum. 75% of the production is earmarked for export.
RUBCO MATTRESS DIVISION Rubco’s rubberized coir mattress division, at Poothakuzhy near Pampady, Kottayam which started its operation in 2001, is an ambitious project realized with an investment of 260 million. The manufacturing plants among the very few in the country to employ advanced Austrian machinery, sourced from DOA-Austria a technology leader in rubberizes mattress.
Rubco’s rubberized coir mattress division is an ambitious project realized with an investment of Rs. 280 Millions. The manufacturing plant is among very few in the country to employ advanced Austrian machinery, sourced from DOA, Austria.Rubco rubberized coir mattresses are scientifically designed to provide proper back support without compromising on comfort. By virtue of their ingenious design and constructing and the unique 3-D technology, Rubco rubberized mattresses are very comfortable and ensure a healthy and restful sleep. Rubco rubberized coir mattresses are crafted from the finest materials and finished to perfection in one of India’s most modern manufacturing plants.The furnishing section is equipped with most modern computer controlled machines imported from U.K and U.S.A. Strict quality control is observed at every stage of production to ensure that Rubco rubberized coir mattress always measure to the highest quality. A unique of the main sheeting plant is that it facilities Vertical fiber Orientation, a proceed that result in a deeper penetration of latex in to the sheet, making it very elastic. This provides the mattress with uniform density throughout and an extra cushioning effect.
The plant has an annual installed capacity of 4.8 million units, consisting of mattress and other rubberized coir products.

THE UNIQUE VFO ADVANTAGE Rubco rubberized coir mattresses are manufactured using the machinery as well as technology from DOA sheet forming machine has the unique advantage of producing uniform density vertical oriented fiber sheets. Vertical Fiber Orientation (VFO) ensures extra cushioning effect and high durability in the mattresses. Further, considerable sheet thickness and densities varying from 80kgs to 250kgs can be obtained.

Rubco manufactures a wide range of mattresses catering to diverse segments of the market. The range consists of:
Premium model that provides unmatched sleeping comfort is available in 3 inch and 4inch thickness. Also available in customized dimensions and thickness for large quantities (100 and above)
A luxury model that is elegant as well as comfortable, which is available in 5 inch thickness.
A hi- end model with an accent on finish and luxury available in 5 inch thickness.
Superior quality mattresses finished to world class standard is available in 7 inch thickness.
An economy model that offers true value for money is available in 2 and 3 inches.
A regular mattress that combines comfort and durability is available in 3 and 4 inches
An elegant mattress meant for hotels, Tourist resorts etc. Yathri combines superior sleeping comforts with perfect back support, enabling a relaxed healthy sleep. Layer upon layer of rubberized coir and latex enhance the comfort while soft and elegant quilting adds a luxurious feel for use in hospitals is available in 3 & 4 inch thickness.
A quality product suitable for use in hospitals. Available in 3 inch and 4 inch thickness.
A special mattress scientifically designed for orthopedic patients. Available in 5 inch thickness.

(J) 9.30 PM
Economy model. Available in 3 inch and 4 inch thickness.
OTHER PRODUCTS FROM FACTORY i. Rubberized coir block ii. Coir block iii. Cushions iv. Soft touch pillows
The organizational goal of Rubco –RCM division is to make Rubco a leader in the market of rubberized coir mattress.
1. Maximize the capacity utilization of the existing plant 2. To increase the profitability of the company and to maximize generation of surplus to enable Rubco to finance its diversified projects. 3. To execute production on time, in accordance with the market demand of the product and to make them available to the distributors. 4. To maintain and improve the existing cordial relationship between employees and management by mutual interactions levels and further improve efficiency of executives, supervisors to meet future challenges. 5. To ensure strict quality control and ISI standards of the product to compete in the global market. 6. To maximize the cost reduction. 7. To introduce new varieties of mattress so as to increase the range of mattress catering to the diverse segment of the market.

PRESENT STATUS OF THE ORGANISATION RUBCO is a well diversified industrial conglomerate with a strong presence in the rubber based industrial segment. Rubco was formed with a prime objective of utilizing abundantly available rubber resource of Kerala. In a short span of time Rubco has successfully introduced a wide range of fast moving rubber based products. Today rubco group has factories of rubber footwear, cycle tyre and tube, rubberized coir mattress, processed rubber and rubber coir mats.

Organizational structure is the structure of relationship among positions and job created for the purpose of accomplishing the objectives of the enterprise. It represents the pattern of relationships among the components of an organization. They are:
-The form of structure.
-The form of structure.
-The functions to be performed.
-The human aspect
The pattern of relationship governs duties and activities of persons who are dependent upon each other for accomplishing the objectives of the enterprise. An organization structure should be designed to clarify who is do what tasks and who is responsible for what results, to remove obstacles caused by confusion and uncertainty of assignment and to furnish decision making and communication networks reflecting and supporting enterprise objectives. The company organization structure is diagrammatically represented by an organizational chart. The organization chart shows the lines of responsibilities between various departments of the company.



Departmentalization is a method of arranging activities to facilitate the accomplishment of organizational objectives. The organizational process of determining how activities are to be grouped is called departments. The departments show the horizontal differentiation in an organization.
The main departments are:

1. Administration cum personal department 2. Finance and accounts department a. Stores department b. Purchase department

3. Production department a. Production (main plant) b Production (furnishing)
c. Product development
d. Production planning and control
e. Lab and quality department
f. Engineering department
4. Marketing department


Human Resource Management HRM is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, compensating employees and attending to their labour relations, health and safety and fairness Concern. In other words HRM is the people concerned dimension in management. Since every org is made up of people, acquiring their services, developing their skills, motivating them to higher level performance and ensuring that they continue to maintain commitment to the org are essential to achieve organizational objectives. This is true regardless of the type of the organizational, government, business education, health recreation and social action.
HRM refers to a set of programmes, functions and activities designed and carried out in order to maximize both employees as well as organizational effectiveness.
The main functions are; a. Conducting job analysis b. Planning Labour needs and recruiting job candidates c. Selecting job candidates d. Conducting orientation and training programs for new employees. e. Managing wages and salaries f. Providing incentives and benefits g. Appraising the performance h. Communication with employee9 interviewing, counseling, discipline) i. Training and developing managers j. Building employee commitment


(a) The HR manager is responsible for the manpower planning, recruitment, selection, training compensation package, performance appraisal, maintaining discipline and harmonious industrial relationship Rubco RCM. (b) He is responsible for providing advices and guidance / assistance to the officers and staff working in the unit under the control of The General Manager in the matters connected with performance appraisal, discipline, harmonious relation, training, optimum use of time, achieving the targeted production etc.

(c) HR manager is responsible for obtaining necessary function for the creation of posts, pay scale and other required sanctions from managing director / chairman for filling up manpower requirements from time to time.

(d) HR manager shall be responsible for the proper administration of the statutory and non statutory welfare programming in the Rubco rubberized coir mattress division. (e) HR manager shall be responsible for complying with various labour legislations. (f) The HR manager is responsible for formulating HR policies and interpretation of different labour laws. (g) The HR manager is responsible for preparation of wages and salary bills and passing it to finance department for disbursement. (h) The HR manager is responsible for identifying the training needs of the organization and its employment and prepare training calendar and arrange various training programmes for the employees. In its essence HRM is the qualitative improvement of human being who is considered the most valuable asset of an organization, the organizational resources and end users of all products and services. In brief the function of HRM are. 1. Job analysis

Job analysis is the procedure through which a HR manager has to determine the duties of the position and characteristics of the people to hire for them. 2. Human Resource Planning. Human resource planning is understood as the process of foresting an organization’s future demand and supply of the right type of people in the right time at the right place. In other words HRP is the process by which an organization ensures that it has right number of and the right kind of people at the right place at the right time, capable of effectively and efficiently.
Completing those tasks that will help the organization achieve its overall objectives. 3. Recruitment: RUBCO RCM division follows a centralized system of recruitment programmes and its implementation is done at corporate level. Recruitment is the process of searching for and obtaining applicants for jobs from among whom the right people can be selected. 4. Selection Selection is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify and hire those with a greater likelihood of success in a job. Selection is concerned with picking the right candidates from a pool of applicants. Selection is negative in its application as it seeks to eliminate as many unqualified applicants as possible in order to identify the right candidate. In RUBCO RCM division selection of employees are done at two levels-workers level and at the managerial level. 5. Job Description:
Job description is preparing for a number of different purposes in an organization. The area follows. * To define responsibilities of a job. * To review the organization structure and distribution of duties with the organization for the job evaluation. * For the foundation of performance appraisal * To provide information about a post to be filled for recruitment/selection purpose.

6. Personal Specification:
Personal specification is a set of criteria developed from the job and organization context which describes the skill and attributes of a job holder.
A personal specification helps to:-
- Provide an objective standard against which candidates can measure. It helps to avoid purely subjective judgment.
- Personnel specification will help identify training and development plans for successful candidates. It is most useful to find a candidate for a job who fulfills all requirements.
Rubco rcm division is conducting interviews in their selection process. The question and acceptable response are specified in advance and are rated for appropriateness of content. 8. Orientation and placement. Orientation, also called as induction, is provide a new employee with the information he or she needs to perfume comfortably and effectively in the planned induction programme for the fresh employees about their job, their co workers and the organization . Thus orientation programme conveys three types of information. * General information about the daily works routine. * A review of the organization history, founder, objectives, operations and products or services as well as how the employee’s job contributes to the organizational needs. * A detailed presentation of the organization polices, work rules and employee benefits.
After the orientation programme, the evaluation of the programme is conducted by time interview. After giving orientation programme for the new employees, Rubco rubberized coir mattress division is taking care of the placement of the employee because when an employee has been hired or oriented he or she must be placed in his /her first job. Placement is understood as the process of allocation of people to the job . It is the assignment or reassignment of an employee to a new or different job.
9 .Training and development RUBCO RCM DIVISION HR authority is conducting training and development programe for employee to improve current and future employee performance by increasing an employee’s ability to perfume through learning, usually by changing the employee’s attitude for increasing his /her skill and knowledge .The need for training and development is determine by the employee’s performance deficiency.
10. Performance appraisal Performance appraisal is the systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to his/ her potential for development. Rubco RCM division conducts performance appraisal once in a year. The method for performance appraisal is for evaluating performance of employees on rating scale method because this is the simplest and most popular technique for approving employee performance . The typical rating scale system consist of several numerical scale, each representing a job related performance criterion such as dependability, initiative, output, alternatives, attitudes, cooperation and the like . Each scale ranges from excellent to poor.
11.Welfare measures: Labour welfare is a term which must necessarily be elastic, It has some what different interpretation from country to country according to the different social customs, the degree of industrialization and educational level of workers. The management of Rubco is well aware of the growing necessity of welfare activities and pursues a policy of improving the facility aimed at total well being of its workforce . They are: A. Al employees in the organization are covered under the employee state insurance (ESI) scheme. No other insurance scheme prevails in this organization B. Festival allowances are given to the employee on the occasion of notified festivals. C. Annual bonus/ incentives are paid out to the employees as per the company rules.
12. Relation between employees and management :
The relationship between manager and employee must be handle effectively as both the employee and the organization are to propose together whether or not some of the employee’s rights must be addressed. It is important to develop
Communication and update HR polices and rules so that managers and employees will know what is expected.
13. Trade Union Employee association constitutes one of the stakeholders relations. These associations are popularly known as trade union. The trade union that exists. In RUBCO RCM is RUE (Rubco Employee Union) . There is a cordial relationship that exist between and union . The union is lead by CITU.
Safety measures in Rubco Mattress Division Cleanliness and drinking water: The factory and its premises are kept spick and span. The accumulation of dirt is removed daily. Effective arrangement is made at suitable points suited for all workers employed there with sufficient supply of drinking water.
First aid: First aid facilities are provided in the factory for all the employees. Safety: A well equipped security force is provided for safeguarding everything inside the factory premises.
Financial Management Financial management, also referred to as corporate finance or managerial finance ,emerged as a distinct field of study at the turn of 20th century. Finance theory in general, rests on the premise that the goal of financial management should be to maximize the wealth of shareholders.
Finance Management Department Finance refers to the application of skills in the manipulation in the use and control of money. The finance in the modern business world is the life blood of the business economy. We cannot imagine a business without finance because it is a central point at all business activities.
Financial Function a. Passing and settlement of all miscellaneous advances. b. Perform works connected with insurance coverage of fixed asset. c. Keeping personal life of employees relating to salary computation and annual increment. d. Prepare profitability trend reports and wage analysis. e. Quarterly and yearly financial report preparation. f. Making banks statements g. Preparation assisting the coordination at all works connected with finalization of accounts. h. Assisting statutory/ Vigilance / auditors from head quarters. i. Make internal and external purchases.
Capital budgeting The capital budgeting is done at the being of the year itself. The requirement of capital will be specified for approval. During the budgeted year, if any further requirement of capital is faced then a proper justification has to be made . If the requirement is seen as an important one then approval of the capital is sanctioned.
Cash management
Cash management system is done of the key areas in any business. Apart from the fact that it is the most liquid asset, cash is the common denominator into which all current assets can be reduced because other major liquid assets, receivable and inventory get eventually converted into cash.
Credit control function
A trade credit arises when a company sells on credit and does not received cash immediately. A company grants credit to protect its sales from the competitors and to attract potential customers to buy its product at favorable terms, Credit period allowed is 6 days to 90 days. The collection of credit will be handled by senior sales officers up to 180 days and it will be handed over to the factory manager. The company will give the creditors a further of one month, then legal action will be taken against the person or the company. If the cheque has bounced or has been dishonoured then the company can sue or take legal action against the person or the company.
Planning of funds.
Planning of funds is a careful estimate made by the manager about the total funds required. This is the estimation done by the observation over the physical activities of the company. Allocation of funds.
Providing funds to proper place at proper time is also an importance task to be done by the financial manager. He studies the cash requirement of each department and then funds are distributed.
Recording transactions
Each and every transaction that takes place in the company has to be recorded properly for the purpose of having better control over the funds optimality. All the transaction are recorded in journal and posted to the ledgers.
Fixed assets.
Fixed assets from the major part of the working of any company. Depreciation of fixed assets is charged on diminishing balance method.
Cost control
The cost is controlled either in the acquisition of raw materials or reduction in operating expenses or both, as there should be limitation in the utilization of funds. The company will always have a comparison of budgets and actual.
Stock in Stores Store department is an auxiliary department of the financial department . The major purpose of this department is to receive raw mate materials from the suppliers to different departments and there after verify the bill/ invoice to ensure of incoming materials and to confirm the quality and value with purchase order.
Inventory management
Management of inventory means an optimum investment in inventories . It should neither be too high to block the funds unnecessarily nor be low to halt the production for the wants of materials. The inventory management includes the following aspects. * Size of inventory – maximum level and minimum level. * Establishment- timing schedule procedure and lot of size for new orders. * Ascertaining minimum safety level. * Coordinating sales, production and inventory policies. * Providing proper storage facility. * Arranging the receipts, disbursements and procurement of materials and developing the form of recording the transaction. * Arranging responsibilities for carrying out inventory control function and providing the report necessary for supervising the overall activities.
For effective inventory management in a business unit there should be proper coordination of activities and policies of the purchase, production and sales department.
Working Capital management.
Working capital management is managing the current assets and current liabilities of a firm in such a way that a satisfactory level of working capital is maintained. i.e. it is neither inadequate nor excessive. Working capital management policies of a firm have a great effect on its profitability, liquidity and structure wealth.
Stores department is an auxiliary department. It function under accounts officer.
Functions of Stores department 1. Receipt of incoming material. 2. Efficient and orderly record keeping of all materials in storage. 3. Storage of material in safe and conventional location 4. Issue of material against written authority 5. Timely intimation to proper authorities regarding out of stock condition. 6. Prevention of damages, losses and unauthorized uses etc. 7. Rejected materials managements. 8. Sales return management 9. Maintenance of accounts. Material documents of this department are produced in coordination with the production department. Monthly check and other periodical checks are done to certify the actual inventory values in quantities . There is a separate section for rejected product. Rejected products are stored in stores department itself. Such products are inspected before and after by the quality control department. Such products are sold out as separate sale items.
Classification of materials
Raw materials
General Engineering Materials
-Electrical items
-Mechanical items
-Capital item tool etc
Stationery Items and Furniture
-Bill books
This is the department which purchases the required raw materials for the production of mattress. So this department can be said as, the backbone of the firm. The store keeper verifies the materials and if it goes beyond minimum require level, he will inform it to the accounts officer and he will pass on the information to the general manger. The general manager then does further action to buy the required raw materials. The main function of purchasing department is to ensure unintempted flow of production.







Purchase Functions:
Source identification:
Source identification involves the identification of suppliers from which purchase are to be made.
Source selection:
Source selection involves selecting the best supplier from different suppliers, which is based on desired quality, quantity, price ,service etc.
Vendor rating:
This responsibility lies with the head office. Vendor rating is done on the basis of product, price of the materials and the reports from the production department in the case of latex or chemicals.

Receipt of material:
Materials are collected by the receipt store and the details will be given to the section for inspection. Number of items passed, rejected and the reason for rejection if any will be specified. Receipts store will then prepare materials receipt report and then sent it to the concerned sections i.e.; purchase and accounts .The original will be retained by the receipt store.
The materials used in Rubco RCM division are broadly classified as:
Latex, coir rubber chemicals, cloths and qualified fabrics, PU forms and threads.
Electrical items, Mechanical items, spare parts and capital item tools.
Office equipments, papers & bill book, cleaning products.
1. Requisition
The power of approving material requisitions is with rubco head quarters.
2. Purchase Proposal:
After purchase requisition has been approved by the head office, the order is placed.
3. Purchase order: After fixing the right supplier, purchase order is prepared and placed with proposed party. The order rate, quantity, delivery schedule and terms of payment will be mentioned.

4. Vendor rating:
The responsibility lies with the Rubco head office. Vendor rating is done on the basis of product, price of the material and reports from the production department in the case of latex or chemicals.
6. Receipt of materials:
Materials are collected by the receipt store and the details will be given to the section for inspection. Number of items passed and reason for rejection if any will be specified. Receipts store will then prepare materials receipt report to be sent to the concerned section i.e.; purchase and accounts. Original copy will be retained by the receipt store. PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT
RUBCO RCM division has progressively recorded high productivity and profitability.
Production department is equipped with efficient and qualified managers and supervisors.














1) Production (Main Plant) :
The main raw materials used for the production of bare mattress are the curled fiber. The purpose of rubber latex is to bond the resilient curled coir fibers together and to impart a shape to the product. Raw materials and coir is acquired by the company from internal sources. Along with the main material compounding, chemicals are also required for the production. Most of the compounding chemicals are purchased internally.
Shift IN-Charge

Production Supervisor

Production Supervisor

Production Supervisor

Skilled Operator
Skilled Operator
Skilled Operator
Skilled Operator
Skilled Operator
Highly skilled Workers
Skilled Workers
Semi Skilled Workers
Unskilled Workers
Shift IN-Charge

Production Supervisor

Production Supervisor

Production Supervisor

Skilled Operator
Skilled Operator
Skilled Operator
Skilled Operator
Skilled Operator
Highly skilled Workers
Skilled Workers
Semi Skilled Workers
Unskilled Workers

PRODUCTION CAPACITY: Rubco mattress production facility is among the very few in the country to employ state-of-the-art Austrian machinery. The machinery as well as the technology is sourced from DOA of Austria. The plant has annual install capacity of 4.8 million units comprising of mattress, pillows and other rubberized coir products. The furnishing section is equipped with most modern computer controlled machines imported from UK and USA. Strict quality Control is observed at every stage of the production to ensure that Rubco rubberized coir mattress always measure up to the highest standard.
The no: of workers are
Highly skilled - 19
Skilled workers - 23
Semi skilled - 30
Unskilled - 45
Casual worker - 99
Temporary worker - 13
2) PRODUCTION (FURNISHING): Furnishing department is carrying vital part in the total production function of rubberized coir mattress division. . The furnishing department shall be responsible for the furnishing of different models of mattress and cushions as per standards. The section is also responsible for the inspection of mattress and cushion labeling, packing and dispatching of mattress and cushions. The bare mattress from production department is brought into furnishing department and it is fabricated with rexin and clothes and is packed and made ready for dispatch.


Shift In-Charge
Production Supervisor
Production Supervisor
Production Supervisor
Highly Skilled Workers
Skilled Workers
Unskilled Workers
Semi Skilled Workers
Shift In-Charge
Production Supervisor
Production Supervisor
Production Supervisor
Highly Skilled Workers
Skilled Workers
Unskilled Workers
Semi Skilled Workers

MAJOR MACHINES IN THE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT 1. Quilting Machine 2. Border Stitching Machine 3. Tape Edge Machine 4. Sewing machine 5. Comer Cutting Machine 6. Fabric cutting Machine 7. Sealing Machine 8. Handle stitching machine
Consumables required for furnishing department 1. Quilted fabrics 2. PU Forms 3. Clothes 4. Threads 5. Expanded poly ethylene sheets 6. Threads 7. Labels 8. Poly ETHYLENE covers 9. Tapes
Labels Fixed on the Mattress 1. IS1 Sticker 2. Brand Name 3. MRP sticker 4. Quality CHEK sticker
3) Product development The product development carried out is concerned with the identification of the most economically feasible method for applying the principles through research It involves design, redesign and fabrication of new or modified product and testing it to find its usefulness .Product development essentially involves developing product to suit customers' needs and conditions .The purpose is to ensure that it meets the requirement and quality standard. This is applicable to all product modification of the existing company. –
4) Production Planning and Control
It is done on the basis of specification or orders placed by RUBCO Sales international & based on domestic order placed by authorized distributors. The required quantity and quality is specified through production planning and the production is done according to this planning. Operations planning involves the organization of an overall manufacturing operating system to produce a product.
Objective of production planning is to provide a physical system together with a set of operating guidelines for efficient conversion of raw material, human skills and other inputs into finished products.

5) Lab and Quality Control Department

The adoption of quality management system should be a strategic decision of an organization. The design and implementation of an organization's quality management system is influenced by varying needs, particularly the objectives the products provide to sustain and win product's acceptability in the market. Rubco's products have found domestic and international acceptance largely due to its stringent quality maintenance and quality control of mattress produced Rubco's quality policy is to give enhanced satisfaction to the customers through the manufacture and supply of rubberized coir mattress by the use of modem manufacturing equipments .They voluntarily meet the entire product and process related regulatory requirements and are committed to improve their performance in all spheres of activities.

Quality objectives: In order to implement the quality policy, the quality objectives are established as follows. 1. Higher capacity utilization 2. Higher level of profitability 3. Lower level of rejections 4. Lower level of breakdowns 5. Least possible customer complaints 6. Higher level of customer satisfaction.

It is ensured that quality policy and objectives are understood, implemented and maintained by all the personnel in the organization

Hierarchy of Engineering Department



Skilled Workers



Skilled Workers

Functions of Engineering department: 1. Instrumentation 2. Electrical maintenance 3. Maintenance & utility 4. Boiler unit maintenance
The traditional definition of marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and service from producers to consumers. The marketing concepts hold the key to achieving its organizational goals which consists of the company being more effective than competitors in creating, delivering and communicating consumer value to its chosen target markets.
The American Marketing Association offers the following definition "Marketing is a process of planning and executing the conception of pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods & services to create, exchange values that satisfy individual and organizational goal". Theodore Leavitt of Harvard drew a perspective contrast between the selling and marketing concepts: Selling focuses on the need of the seller: marketing focuses on the needs of the buyer. Selling is preoccupied with the idea of satisfying the needs of the customer by means of the of activities associated with creating, delivering and finally consuming it. Product, while marketing is the whole cluster.
Rubco mattress has attained wide market coverage in Kerala within the short period time of it being established. Now Kerala market is dominated by Rubco mattress industry. The effective marketing strategy that they have adopted is the reason behind this explosive growth of Rubco. Expansion of existing market into other geographical areas, i.e., now Rubco is the market leader in Kerala mattress industry and they are about to expand their market all over South India in order to attain their target turnover. Planning for introducing new products into market and entering untapped segments is their innovative strategy.

Marketing Department

Marketing Manager

Sales Executive

Clerical Staffs

Marketing Department

Marketing Manager

Sales Executive

Clerical Staffs

MARKETING MIX Marketing mix is the set of marketing tools that Rubco RCM Division uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market. It is classified as four Ps of marketing i.e.; product, price, place, and promotion
- Product
- Price
- Place
- Promotion
Rubco rubberized coir mattress are scientifically designed to provide proper back support without compromising on comfort by virtue of their ingenious design, construction and the unique 3-D technology. Rubco mattress are firm without being hard and are extremely durable. As they do not sag, they are very comfortable and ensure a healthy and restful sleep. Rubco rubberized coir mattress is available in nine variants each catering to a specified user segment. The range comprises of everything from regular mattress to special orthopedic models and high-end luxury varieties. They come in varying sizes and thickness, depending on the specific use they are meant for. Rubco manufactures a wide range of mattresses catering to diverse segment.
Price denotes value of a product or service expressed in money. Pricing is one of the most important activities for any organization. Pricing policy adopted by RUBCO RCM division is Transfer Pricing. Rubco setup its price at transfer price. Transfer price is the price at which Rubco transfers products to distributors. A general guideline as to the total markup of 11% of the distributor, a markup of 25% to the retailers. Price quoted is inclusive of transportation charges. Rubco allows 2% discount on cash sale. Various schemes and offers are announced for distributors during festival season.
To win the battle of competition every manufacture has to choose a number of promotion tools which can be classified as- advertising, publicity, Personnel Selling and sales promotion.
The major purpose of advertisement and publicity is to promote effectively through providing information to customers to make them aware about the characteristics of the product.
The effective formulation strategies are formed by the marketing department. the advertisement methods that Rubco RCM follows are given below: 1. Wall paintings 2. Sales promotion schemes 3. Visual/electric media 4. Hoardings 5. Exhibitions 6. Laminated boards 7. Retailers trade 8. Turnover discount to distributors 9. Sales incentive scheme
Rubco mattress is made available all over Kerala and Tamilnadu by its wide distribution network. Now they are going to expand their marketing network all over south India.
The distribution network is given below:
Exporting Activities:
As Rubco RCM division strictly follows its quality policy, the products satisfies the expectation of the customers. Rubco receives inquiries from SriLanka, UAE, Netherlands, Germany and other middle East countries regarding export of rubberized coir mattress. Rubco plans to market in other countries also.

Sample size The study sample constitutes 50 respondents constituting in the research area.
Sampling Area The study is conducted in employees of RUBCO
Collection of Data Most of the data collected by the researcher is primary data through personal interview, where the researcher and the respondent operate face – to – face.
Statistical Tools The statistical tools used for analyzing the data collected are percentage method, bar diagrams etc.
Limitations of the study * The survey is subjected to the bias and prejudices of the respondents. Hence 100% accuracy can’t be assured. * The researcher was carried out in a short span of time, where in the researcher could not widen the study.

* The study could not be generalized due to the fact that researcher adapted personal interview method

The data are collected through survey and books, reports, newspapers and internet etc., the survey conducted among the employees of Kuttiyanickal rubbers. The data collected by the researcher are tabulated and analyzed in such a way to make interpretations.
Various steps, which are required to fulfill the purpose, i.e., editing, coding, and tabulating. Editing refers to separate, correct and modify the collected data. Coding refers to assigning number or other symbols to each answer for placing them in categories to prepare data for tabulation refers to bring together the similar data in rows and columns and totaling them in an accurate and meaningful manner
The collected data are analyzed and interrupted using percentage analysis, bar diagrams etc..

TABLE NO: 4.1 Table showing classification on the basis of age

SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Below 25 | 14 | 28 | 2 | 25-40 | 24 | 48 | 3 | 40-50 | 8 | 16 | 4 | Above 50 | 4 | 8 | | Total | 50 | 100 | SOURCE: PRIMARY DATA INTERPRETATION From the above table it is clear that majority 48% are from the age group 25-40, about 28% are below 25, about 16% are from 40-50 group and from 40-50 group and the remaining 8% are above 50.

Graph NO: 4.1 Graph showing classification on the basis of age

TABLE NO: 4.2 Table showing classification of respondents of the basis of gender


INTERPRETATION SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Male | 39 | 78 | 2 | Female | 11 | 22 | | Total | 50 | 100 | From the above table it is clear that 78% are male and remaining 22% are female

Graph NO: 4.2 Graph showing classification of respondents of the basis of gender

TABLE NO: 4.3 Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of year of services

SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Below 2years | 27 | 54 | 2 | 2-4 years | 13 | 26 | 3 | 4-6 years | 10 | 20 | 4 | Above 6 years | 0 | 0 | | Total | 50 | 100 | SOURCE: PRIMARY DATA INTERPRETATION From the above table it is informed that 54%have below 2years of experience, about 26% have 2-4years of experience, and about 20% have 4-6years of experience.

Graph NO: 4.3 Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of year of services

TABLE NO: 4.4 Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of type of job doing

SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Mechanical | 12 | 24 | 2 | Electrical | 3 | 6 | 3 | Production | 28 | 56 | 4 | others | 7 | 14 | | Total | 50 | 100 |


INTERPRETATION From the above table it is clear that 56% are doing production work, about 24% mechanical, about 6% electrical and remaining 14% are from other department.

Graph NO: 4.4 Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of type of job doing

TABLE NO: 4.5 Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of job pressure in their work

SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Yes | 11 | 22 | 2 | No | 39 | 78 | | Total | 50 | 100 | SOURCE: PRIMARY DATA INTERPRETATION From the above table it is inferred that 78% have the opinion that there is no job pressure in work and 22% have the opinion that there in job pressure in work.

Graph NO: 4.5 Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of job pressure in their work

TABLE NO: 4.6 Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of satisfaction from work assigned

SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Highly satisfied | 12 | 24 | 2 | Satisfied | 34 | 68 | 3 | Dissatisfied | 4 | 8 | 4 | Highly dissatisfied | 0 | 0 | | Total | 50 | 100 | SOURCE: PRIMARY DATA INTERPRETATION
From the above table it is clear that 68% are satisfied with it , about 24% are highly satisfied and remaining 8% are dissatisfied.

Graph NO: 4.6 Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of satisfaction from work assigned

TABLE NO: 4.7 Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of welfare facilities provided by the management

SOURCE: PRIMARY DATA INTERPRETATION From the above table it is clear that 58% are satisfied with welfare facilities about 12% are highly satisfied, about 24% are dissatisfied and remaining 6% are highly dissatisfied with it. SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Highly satisfied | 6 | 12 | 2 | Satisfied | 29 | 58 | 3 | Dissatisfied | 12 | 24 | 4 | Highly dissatisfied | 3 | 6 | | Total | 50 | 100 |

Graph NO: 4.7 Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of welfare facilities provided by the management

Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of leadership

SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Developing skill | 29 | 58 | 2 | Personal growth | 6 | 12 | 3 | Future promotion | 12 | 24 | 4 | others | 3 | 6 | | Total | 50 | 100 |

SOURCE: PRIMARY DATA INTERPRETATION From the above table it is clear that about 58% of the respondents have the opinion that leadership helps in developing skills, about 12% have the opinion that leadership helps in personal growth, about 24% says, that it helps in future promotion, and 6% says that it helps in other ways.

Graph NO: 4.8
Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of leadership

TABLE NO: 4.9 Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of type of leadership style

SOURCE: PRIMARY DATA SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Democratic | 18 | 36 | 2 | Auto critic | 16 | 32 | 3 | laissezfaire | 12 | 24 | 4 | paternalistic | 4 | 8 | | Total | 50 | 100 | INTERPRETATION From the table it is inferred that 36% of the respondents opted for democratic leadership, 32% opted for autocratic, 24% opted for laissez faire, and 8% opted for paternalistic.

Graph NO: 4.9 Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of type of leadership style

TABLE NO: 4.10 Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of effective leadership

SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Democratic | 31 | 62 | 2 | Auto critic | 13 | 26 | 3 | laissezfaire | 5 | 10 | 4 | paternalistic | 1 | 2 | | Total | 50 | 100 |

SOURCE: PRIMARY DATA INTERPRETATION From the table it is clear that 62% says that democratic leadership is effective, 26% opted for autocratic, and 10% opted for laissez faire and to other opted for paternalistic

Graph NO: 4.10 Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of effective leadership

TABLE NO: 4.11 Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of leadership style should based on


INTERPRETATION From the above table it is clear that 78% of the respondents have the opinion that leadership style should be based on quality, about 6% says that it should be based on target, 4% says should be based on personality and the remaining 12% says, that it should be based on behavior. SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Quality | 39 | 78 | 2 | Target | 3 | 6 | 3 | Personality | 2 | 4 | 4 | Behavior | 6 | 12 | | Total | 50 | 100 |

Graph NO: 4.11 Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of leadership style should based on

TABLE NO: 4.12 Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of leadership helps in motivation

SOURCE: PRIMARY DATA INTERPRETATION from the above table it is clear that 26% strongly agree to it , 58% agree to it , about 12% disagree to it and remaining 4% strongly disagreetoit. SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Strongly agree | 13 | 26 | 2 | Agree | 29 | 58 | 3 | Disagree | 6 | 12 | 4 | Strongly disagree | 2 | 4 | | Total | 50 | 100 |

Graph NO: 4.12 Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of leadership helps in motivation

TABLE NO: 4.13 Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of leadership style improve job satisfaction


INTERPRETATION From the above table it is clear that 92% says that leadership style improves job satisfaction, and 8% says no. SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Yes | 46 | 92 | 2 | No | 4 | 8 | | Total | 50 | 100 |

Graph NO: 4.13 Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of leadership style improve job satisfaction

TABLE NO: 4.14 Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of leadership helps in creating confidence

SOURCE: PRIMARY DATA INTERPRETATION From the above table it is clear that 78% says that leadership helps in creating confidence. SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Yes | 39 | 78 | 2 | No | 11 | 22 | | Total | 50 | 100 |

Graph NO: 4.14 Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of leadership helps in creating confidence

TABLE NO: 4.15 Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of non monetary benefits

SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Highly satisfied | 12 | 24 | 2 | Satisfied | 16 | 32 | 3 | Dissatisfied | 22 | 44 | 4 | Highly dissatisfied | 0 | 0 | | Total | 50 | 100 |


INTERPRETATION From the above table it is clear that majority (44%) of the respondents is dissatisfied, about 32% are satisfied and 24% are highly satisfied.

Graph NO: 4.15 Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of non monetary benefits

TABLE NO: 4.4.16 Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of salary


INTERPRETATION From the above table it is clear that 94% of the respondents are satisfied with salary and about 6% are not satisfied within. SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Yes | 47 | 94 | 2 | No | 3 | 6 | | Total | 50 | 100 |

Graph NO: 4.16 Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of salary

TABLE NO: 4.17
Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of continuing in the job

SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Yes | 49 | 98 | 2 | No | 1 | 2 | | Total | 50 | 100 | SOURCE: PRIMARY DATA INTERPRETATION From the above table it is clear that 98% of the respondents are willing to continue in the job.

Graph NO: 4.17 Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of continuing in the job

TABLE NO: 4.18 Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of satisfaction with top management

SOURCE: PRIMARY DATA INTERPRETATION From the above table it is clear that 34% are highly satisfied, about 60% are satisfied and 6% are dissatisfied with top management. SL NO | CRITERIA | NO OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS | 1 | Highly satisfied | 17 | 34 | 2 | Satisfied | 30 | 60 | 3 | Dissatisfied | 3 | 6 | 4 | Highly dissatisfied | 0 | 0 | | Total | 50 | 100 |

Graph NO: 4.18 Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of satisfaction with top management

FINDINGS 1. Majority 48% are from the age group 25-40 2. It is found that 78% of the respondents are male 3. About 56% are doing production work 4. It is found that 78% have the opinion that there is no job pressure in work 5. It is clear that 68% are satisfied with work assigned 6. About 58% are satisfied with welfare facilities 7. 58% of the respondents have the opinion that leadership helps in developing skills 8. 36% of the respondents opted for democratic leadership, 32% opted for autocratic, 24% opted for laissez faire, and 8% opted for paternalistic. 9. 62% says that democratic leadership is effective 10. It is found that 78% of the respondents have the opinion that leadership style should be based on quality 11. 26% strongly agree that leadership helps in motivation , 58% agree to it 12. 92% says that leadership style improves job satisfaction 13. 78% says that leadership helps in creating confidence. 14. Majority (44%) of the respondents is dissatisfied with non monetary benefits 15. 94% of the respondents are satisfied with salary 16. 98% of the respondents are willing to continue in the job. 17. About 60% are satisfied with top management

SUGGESTIONS 1. About 22% have the opinion that there is job pressure in work try to identify the problem causing job pressure try to rectify it. 2. Majority of the respondents are dissatisfied with the non monetary benefits try to provide more non monetary benefits to the employees. 3. About 78% said that leadership style should be based on quality try to provide the same. 4. Majority have the opinion that leadership helps in improving job satisfaction try to improve the leadership in order to improve job satisfaction.

This project was under taken in RUBCO on the topic ‘Effectiveness of leadership style on job satisfaction. Through the above study we found that effective leadership not only increases job satisfaction but also improve productivity, organizational commitment and climate of the organizations

* V.S.P. Rao, Human Resource Management.Excel books, New Delhi 2nd Edition * Shai .K. Gupta, Organization Structure and Dynamics.Kalyani Publications 2004 * C. R. Kothari, Research Methodology,New age International 2nd revised edition 2009
* * *

APPENDIX 1. Name : 2. Age : 3. Gender : 4. Years of service?
Below 2 years 2 – 4 years 4 – 6 years Above 6 years 5. Types of job you are doing?
Mechanical  Electrical  Production  Others 6. Is there is any job pressure in their work
Yes No 7. Do you satisfied with your work assigned?
Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied 8. Do you satisfied with the welfare facilities provided by the management
Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied 9. How does leadership help you?
Developing skill  Personal growth Future Promotion Others 10. Which type of leadership style helps you to increase your productivity?
Democratic leadership Autocratic leadership Laissez faire  Paternalistic Leadership  11. In your opinion which type of leadership is effective?
Democratic leadership Autocratic leadership Laissez faire Paternalistic Leadership  12. Leadership style should based on your ?
Quality Target PersonalityBehaviour 13. Do you agree that leadership helps in motivating the employees?
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree 14. Do you think that effective leadership style improve job satisfaction? Yes No 15. Does leadership helps in creating confidence?
Yes No 16. Do you satisfied with the non-monitory benefits
Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied 17. Do you satisfied with the salary?
Yes No 18. Are you willing to continue?
Yes No 19. Do you satisfied with the top management?
Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied 20. Your suggestion to improve present leadership style in the organization?

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Research on Job Satisfaction

...take his place or influence children in the manners or degree; it is possible, for him alone to do. It is strongly believed that be a teacher is to be a member of holy order. That is why instead of putting all the blame to them why not try to investigate and find ways on how to help them achieve the kind of lifestyle they deserve. Why not try to know the things that my satisfied them with their noble job Since according to Rao, R. B. 1989, the quality on effectiveness of teachers is considered to be associated with his satisfaction towards his profession. Job satisfaction represents the considerations of person’s attitude towards or about the job. In general, job satisfaction is the attitude towards the job as a whole. Job satisfaction is a function of satisfaction with different aspect of the job. The traditional model of job satisfaction is that it is consist of the total body of feeling that an individual has about his job. This total body of feeling involves in effect his personal factors (such as age, gender, civil status, number of children, race and others) and job factors such as (pay, promotion, loads of teaching, relationship with his superior and...

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