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Left Brain vs Right Brain


Submitted By nishajackson07
Words 962
Pages 4
The mind is a very curious organ. Without we as humans would not be able to function in the world. The brain has a lot to do with our learning. In terms of how we learn and what hemisphere we use the most. The concept of the right and left brain think developed from research in the late 1960's by an American psychologist Roger W Sperry. The correct term for the halves would be hemispheres. Mr. Sperry had discovered that the human brain has two different ways of thinking. The right hemisphere being more visual and the left hemisphere being more verbal. The left hemisphere is known as the digital brain. The left side controls reading and writing, calculation and logical thinking. The right side is known as the analog brain this side controls three-dimensional sense, creativity and artistic senses. Mr. Sperry was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1981 for his work studying the brain. To this day researchers are still using behavioral and neuro scientific techniques to reveal fascinating and systematic differences across brain regions.

The left side of the brain has different functions then the right side. The right side of the brain focuses on the visual, and processes information in an intuitive and simultaneous way. (Rosenzweig,2014) The right side looks at the whole picture first and details second. The left side of the brain focus on verbal and processing information in an analytical and sequential way. The left side looks first at the pieces then puts them together to create the whole picture. The left brain is verbal and analytical. Right brain uses pictures rather than words. An example of the left and right brain being used is listening to someone give directions. A person using the left hemisphere would give directions such as “From here , go west three blocks and turn north on vine street.”(Rosenzweig,2014) If a person is using the right hemisphere there directions would be more like “Turn right(pointing right), by the church over there (pointing again), Then you will pass a McDonald and a Walmart., At the next light, turn right toward the Esso station.” (Rosenzweig,2014)

The right brain is considered more creative. There is no right or wrong when it comes to using either side of your brain. “It is important to be aware that there are different ways of thinking and by knowing what your natural preference is, you can pay attention to your less dominate side to improve the same”. (Rosenzweig,2014) If you activate “the power of both hemispheres, you will be able to retain knowledge better and become proficient in any subject, especially math.”(Rosenzweig, 2014) The left hemisphere is the seat of language. This observation came from studies of strokes. A person who has a stroke on the left hemisphere has problems with speech. A problem that is known as aphasia. Damage on the right hemisphere would be less likely to cause aphasia. The right hemisphere isn;t non verbal, both hemispheres can figure out the meaning of words and sentences. Each side has a different strength when it comes to comprehending. Just like other complex skills the ability to understand what we read requires both hemispheres working together.

Recently headlines challenged the left brain/right brain dichotomy. In a paper called “The Guardian” it was stated that there was no real evidence found to say that an individual tends to have stronger left or right sided networks. People such as Stephen m kosslyn and G. Wayne Miller argue that the left and right brain should instead be replaced by a top brain and bottom brain. They suggest the brain be cut in half horizontally and not vertically. Scientists believe that there are different kinds of math skills ranging from being able to estimate to various types of calculations. (Rosenzweig,2014) Research shows that math skills arise from processing that takes place in both hemispheres. The left hemisphere does have an advantage when it comes to counting and reciting multiplication tabels, which rely heavily on memorized verbal information. (Rosenzweig,2014) The right hemisphere advantages when it comes to math are estimation and the quantity of a set of objects. Scientist felt it took two hemispheres to be logical or to be creative. We all know learning takes place in the brain. Left brained learners are logical, sequential, linear, analytical,reality based, objective, verbal and symbolic. The right brained learners seem to be more intuitive, random, global, fantasy based, subjective, non-verbal, visual and concrete. In conclusion, when you think of your brain you automatically think of how in-depth it must be. It holds your memories, its your phone book, your notepad. I mean honestly you couldn't do anything without it. When it comes to how people learn your hemispheres play a big part. I know people who could see a problem once and know how to solve it, however I would have to sit down and really study for weeks just to understand that same problem. While learning about the different ways your brain works and the different affects each hemisphere has on your learning I’m sure this could help people with their different learning styles. People who paint and create video games would use their right hemisphere more often, but a person with great public speaking skills would use their left hemisphere. If a person can train their brain to use both side they would surely be ahead of the game. I wonder if acclaimed geniuses use both hemispheres. They even have programs online to help you strengthen your brain and help you to use both parts. Learning children early on to use the creative and verbal side of their brain will help make their school years a lot easier.

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