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Lord of the Rings Leadership Presentation


Submitted By tah27
Words 3136
Pages 13
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

The Lord of the Rings provides a great look into what it takes to be a successful leader. There are a number of important characters in the series that contribute to these important lessons. For this paper, we will be focusing on the leadership roles of the characters within The Two Towers book and movie. We will also explain some of the major differences between the book and movie. The important characters that will be discussed are Gandalf, Aragorn, Frodo, Gollum, Merry, Pippin, and Treebeard. It has been said that a true leader is someone who has followers, which is something that is definitely portrayed by Gandalf the White, as well as Gandalf the Grey. Many characters in the movie and book look to Gandalf for assistance and direction, such as Frodo, Aragorn, and King Théoden. Gandalf is the type of leader that could be followed anywhere, as he makes it a priority to always manage the current situation, and to look into the bigger picture as well. He is always calculating the next moves in order to get the right people in place for the greater challenges that are going to come. He has developed many great relationships with those who follow him, and he has shown that he greatly empowers the individuals that he comes into contact with.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers shows Gandalf in a different light than he had been shown in the previous film. Gandalf started out being Gandalf the Grey in “The Fellowship of the Ring” and even in the beginning of “The Two Towers”. Gandalf the Grey fought with the Balrog of Morgoth, and he was thrown from the top of the cliff. He got into the fight because he wanted to allow the fellowship of the ring to escape from the Mines of Moria. Ultimately, Gandalf comes back to life within “The Two Towers” as a slightly different character, which is known as Gandalf the White. Gandalf the White is shown as being very young and focused, as well as being very powerful and confident. This is much different than in his previous life, where he was portrayed more as a human, as well as being older and less powerful. Upon becoming Gandalf the White, he appears to Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli and explains to them what has happened to him, and begins to lead them to Rohan because a war is about to begin. Gandalf the White possesses many great leadership qualities throughout the film, as well as leadership qualities that are instilled in Frodo from before his death. A major sign of Gandalf’s leadership is when he rides to Rohan to release King Théoden from the spell he has been put under from Saruman and Grima Wormtongue. Although in the book he is not actually under a spell, he is just weak and susceptible to Wormtongue’s suggestions. He shows great leadership in proving to Saruman and Wormtongue that he is strong and powerful, and he releases Théoden from the spell even after Saruman says that it can never be done. Once King Théoden was free from Saruman and Wormtongue’s hold, Gandalf explained to him that there was a war coming, and that he needed to protect his citizens. Gandalf the White proves to be a great leader in the actions he took in advising Aragorn as well. Before King Théoden took his troops and citizens to Helm’s Deep, Gandalf advised Aragorn that Sauron fears him and what he may become. He explains to Aragorn that Sauron will strike and use Saruman to destroy Rohan. Gandalf was acting like a leader and priming them for the battle that is to happen. This is a true quality of a leader because he took it upon himself to explain what was to happen and how they should deal with it. He also goes on to explain that they must trust in Frodo to destroy the ring, and that “all of our hopes now lie with two little hobbits, somewhere in the wilderness.” Gandalf has developed a great relationship with Frodo and acted as his mentor, so allowing Frodo to take care of the destruction of the ring is a sign that Gandalf is a true leader. A true leader allows their “students” to learn from them and act accordingly, which is exactly what Gandalf has done with Frodo. Because Frodo thinks Gandalf is dead, he knows that the task of destroying the ring is on him and that it must be done. This will help Frodo regain his strength, and will ultimately help the fellowship as the ring will be destroyed. It has been proven that Gandalf is a leader by heart, and all of those who follow him have been successful because of the lessons they have learned from him. Frodo is someone who learned a great deal from Gandalf’s leadership within The Lord of the Rings. Frodo Baggins is a Hobbit from Middle Earth who, like other Hobbits, is not an adventurer or someone who would be considered a hero. In the story, Frodo seems to be completely unqualified to be on a mission of this caliber. The fact that he is this way though, is the exact reason he is perfect to carry the ring. While Frodo possesses many strengths, trusting people is his strength and his downfall. Sometimes Frodo is a little too trusting, especially with Gollum. Frodo goes through great lengths to prove to Gollum/Sméagol that hobbits are trustworthy masters, only to be betrayed when Gollum leads Frodo and Sam into the lair of Shelob. Frodo is a trustworthy individual and is able to show his leadership skills in having Gollum help them on this mission, even though Gollum is scheming the entire time to get his “precious” back. An act of leadership that Frodo tries to show is right after he puts on the ring for the first time; he decides that he does not wish to share his fate with anyone, and tries to take it to Mordor alone, leaving the rest of the fellowship behind. Sam however objects, and Frodo gives in to Sam, and there begins time away from the fellowship and the entrance of Gollum as a main character. Frodo may not have seen many leadership qualities in Gollum, but he has also proven to be a leader. Gollum was once known as a merry member of the Stoorish Hobbits, as well as the original hobbit ring bearer. Sméagol was slowly transformed into the misty mountain dweller we know as Gollum. He is the epitome of what can happen to a hobbit if the ring takes a hold of the bearer’s mind, by using its power that thrives on greed. Sméagol was once a kind-hearted hobbit himself, but due to his avaricious acts, the ring’s grasp on his mind has miserably altered him into the scrawny, bug-eyed creature otherwise known as Gollum. During his centuries under the Ring's influence, Sméagol developed a sort of dissociative identity disorder: Sméagol, his "good" personality, still vaguely remembered things like friendship and love, while Gollum, his "bad" personality, was a slave to the Ring and would kill anyone (including his own cousin; Deagol) who tried to take it.
Sméagol is lost in his evil, greedy alter ego Gollum when he first encounters Frodo and Sam on their quest to destroy the ring. The sinister Gollum planned on following the hobbits and striking when they’re in a vulnerable state to steal the ring back for his own selfish, wicked ways. It must have been something in Frodo’s big blue eyes, or perhaps the way he addressed him as Sméagol, that enticed Gollum to lead them to Mordor. Frodo is enchanted by Sméagol’s willingness to guide the hobbits to destroy the ring. He believes his mind has been freed from the ring’s grasps and confides in “good” Sméagol to lead them to Mordor. Frodo’s ability to look past the evil layer of Gollum and have mercy on Sméagol is enlightening since he’s the current bearer of the ominous ring. Frodo of course does this with good intentions but he also wants to believe that Sméagol will flourish through the darkness, if only someone had a little faith in him. This change is important to Frodo because bearing the ring may eventually become the demise of him, much like it has Sméagol. Sméagol, however, still endures tribulations of fighting off the evil Gollum’s notions of trying to kill Frodo and Sam and steal the ring for himself. He struggles with the kind thoughts of Sméagol, who believes Frodo is a “nice master” and has his best interests in mind, against the vice psyche of Gollum who thinks Frodo is a “tricksy hobbit” that stole the ring from Gollum and plans to rid of him the moment they get to Mordor. When they reached the Black Gate they found it to be well guarded and Gollum convinced them not to go that way, saying that they would be caught and Sauron would regain the Ring. Gollum said he knew of another entrance into Mordor which he would lead them to. On the way, Frodo and Sam were caught by Faramir, and Gollum followed them. After Frodo allowed Faramir to briefly take Gollum prisoner, Sméagol felt betrayed, allowing the "Gollum" personality to take total control. This did not fair in Frodo and Sam’s favor, mainly because since Gollum is in control now, his intentions are not as modest as Frodo had hoped and their quest is now in jeopardy, as well as their lives.
Aragorn also possesses many qualities that make him a good leader. He is kind, charismatic and can inspire those around him to get a task or mission done. He also possesses skills of tracking and fighting that make him very useful to the group and make him a good candidate to lead. He is a future king and it shows that he possesses the qualities to make a good one. Aragorn grew up with the Elves, which has allowed him to build a bond with the race where most men have not. These relationships will come into play later during the battle of Helm’s Deep.
In The Two Towers we first find Aragorn leading Legolas and Gimli on a chase through Rohan after the Uruk-hai to retrieve Merry and Pippin, who had been captured. Later, while they are still in pursuit to save the hobbits, they encounter Éomer, the nephew of King Théoden, and his men who say they had a battle with the group they track and left none alive, with the underlying message that the hobbits would probably be among those dead. Disheartened, they head to the scene of the fight, where upon reaching the site Aragorn is able to pick up a trail that indicates that the hobbits have escaped into Fangorn forest. This pursuance of saving the hobbits shows how loyalty and doing what is right are important to Aragorn, which are great characteristics of a leader.
Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli head into the forest to find the hobbits but instead run into Gandalf in his newly resurrected form as Gandalf the White, who informs them that the hobbits are safe. Happy to be reunited with Gandalf, the trio follow him to rescue King Théoden, who Gandalf has informed them is under the wizard Saruman’s hold. Though at heart Aragorn is a leader, in this situation he knows it’s time to follow Gandalf because he has a plan that will lead to success. This is also a great leadership quality.
During the journey to King Théoden, Gandalf tells Aragorn that Sauron fears what he will become and says that he will be planning to destroy Rohan and that Aragorn needs to aid the king. After being freed King Théoden wants to kill Grima for his treachery but Aragorn stops him saying there had been enough blood shed. This is kind of him to try and spare him but the wrong move strategically. By not locking him up or putting him to death, they opened themselves up to a threat because this allows Grima to run back to Saruman and give him vital information that puts all of the people of Rohan in danger.
With the expected attack coming, King Théoden plans to take all his people to the stronghold Helm’s Deep. On the journey there they are attacked by Saruman’s Warg riders and during the battle Aragorn falls over a cliff into a fast moving river. Legolas, Gimli and Théoden believing Aragorn has died continue on the journey to Helm’s Deep, but Aragorn has survived. Aragorn later washes up on shore and is awoken by King Théoden’s dead son’s horse, Brego. Aragorn climbs to the horse and begins to head to Helm’s Deep seeing Saruman’s army of 10,000 heading in the same direction. Upon reaching Helm’s Deep, Aragorn informs the king about the army Saruman is sending. The King, ready to meet this no matter life or death, tells them to arm every man and boy old enough to fight. Aragorn urges him to send out people to find allies but the king has no faith in anyone showing up, stating that not everyone is surrounded by the friends Aragorn is. Resigned, Aragorn prepares for battle. While waiting for Saruman’s army to show up, the men are surprised by the arrival of the Elves, led by Haldir, sent to aid the men by Lord Elrond. Aragorn is overjoyed and quickly greets and welcomes their help and the King is happy and surprised by their arrival.
The men, elves and dwarf prepare for battle by getting into position. After the arrival of the enemy the battle begins with the shooting of arrows. Aragorn is commanding the archers and when the enemy begins to scale the walls on ladders he gives the order to begin combat with their swords. During the battle, the Uruk-hai targets the weakest point in the wall by placing explosives, successfully blowing a hole for the hoard to enter. Aragorn and the remaining elves and men are told to fall back into the keep when they are overrun by the enemy forces.
At this point the King is discouraged and is resigned to give up. In hopes of aiding the women and children, Aragorn takes the lead, finding a way for them to escape. There is a way but they don't have enough time. With the idea of giving time to the woman and children, Aragorn urges the King to ride out with him, taking out as many as they can even if it leads to death. It is dawn and as they ride to battle they are met with Gandalf who has returned with the king's nephew and his men. They finish the battle with some Uruk-hai fleeing into Fangorn, meeting their end at the hand of the Ents and the Huorn.
Lastly, we will take a look at Merry, Pippin, and Treebeard. Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took are cousins and close friends. They are also second cousins to Frodo, and his good friends. They are portrayed as scared little hobbits of the Shire, often making comments like “I think we made a mistake leaving the Shire.” At the end of the first movie they were captured by Orcs from Saruman’s army, who were taking them to Isengard. They were captured because they selflessly drew the attention of the Orcs to themselves, allowing Frodo to get away safely. In The Two Towers, Pippin drops his pin to help Aragorn track them. The men of Rohan attack the Orcs and Merry and Pippin seize this opportunity to flee into Fangorn Forest. There they meet Treebeard the Ent. In the book, they drank Ent-draught or Entwash with him, causing them to become the tallest hobbits in history, but this did not happen in the movie unless you watch the extended version. Merry and Pippin must show leadership by convincing Treebeard to send the Ents to war; however, they fail. Since Gandalf had tasked Treebeard with keeping them safe, he wants to take the little hobbits North to safety. They convince Treebeard to take them South toward Isengard instead, saying “The closer we are to danger, the farther from harm.” This is a strategic ploy. They know that if Treebeard sees the destruction of the forests wrought by Saruman it will convince him to send the Ents to war; and it does.
Treebeard is the leader and oldest of the Ents of Middle-Earth. He is an ancient, tree-like being who is a sort of shepherd of the trees. He meets Merry and Pippin in Fangorn Forest; he believes that they may be Orcs. Along the way they come across Gandalf, who Treebeard refers to as “The White Wizard”. Gandalf tells him that Merry and Pippin are not Orcs, and tasks Treebeard with keeping them safe. Merry and Pippin request the help of the Ents in the war. Treebeard calls an Entmoot, a gathering of the Ents, to decide if the Ents will help. In the book, the Ents are aware of the situation and deliberate for 3 days before deciding to attack Isengard. However, in the movie they deliberate for a much shorter time, possibly around a day, and they decided not to attack Isengard because they feel that this war had nothing to do with them; it was not their war, as they generally keep to themselves and have very little to do with what goes on in the world around them. It was only when he headed South with Merry and Pippin and saw the destruction of his friends and fellow trees that he changed his mind. Saruman had been cutting down the trees to use as fuel to feed his war machine. He was enraged, saying “a wizard should know better!” He called to the other Ents and they embarked to attack Isengard in an event known as “The Last March of the Ents” even though he knew that they were probably going to their deaths. His strategy in the battle was to take out the dam, release the river and flood Isengard and its lower pits. The force of the rushing water easily took out their walls; utterly destroying Isengard, save for the tower of Orthanc and Saruman himself. Through looking at all of the important characters from The Lord of the Rings trilogy, more specifically in The Two Towers, it has been proven that leadership qualities were possessed by many of the characters, and these qualities are to be admired. They also employ a variety of strategies that ultimately help them on their quest to destroy the ring and save Middle-Earth.

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...with the Holy Spirit? How did t h a t filling come about? How can Christians today experience the filling of the Holy Spirit? W H A T I T M E A N S TO B E " F I L L E D " In New Testament Greek two words with their cognates meaning "to fill, to fulfill, to complete" are used in association with the Holy Spirit. They are πληρόω and πίμπλημι} Both words are flexible enough to designate several kinds of filling. These words are strikingly similar in their meanings. One area of shared meaning is "to finish, complete, fulfill." Both πληρόω and πίμπλημι are used to indicate a time at which something was to begin and the comple­ tion of a period of time at which something was to end. 2 The verb πληρόω is used of Jesus' finishing a presentation of His message (Luke 7:1) and of the apostles as having completed a Eldon Woodcock is Professor of Bible, Nyack College, Nyack, New York 1 R Schippers, "Fullness πληρόω'' in New International Dictionary of New Tes­ tament Theology, ed Colin Brown (Grand Rapids Zondervan, 1975), 1 733-41, Ger­ hard Delling, "πίμπλημι, έμπίμπλημι," in Theological Dictionary of the New Testa­ ment, ed Gerhard Kittel, t r a n s Geoffrey W Bromiley (Grand Rapids Eerdmans, 1968), 6 128-31, and idem, "πλήρης- et al ," 6 283-311 2 Jesus used the verb πληρόω to declare t h a t the time had come for Him to an­ nounce the kingdom of God (Mark 1 15) and t h a t the right time for Him to reveal Himself had not yet come (John 7 8) Paul used the related...

Words: 10126 - Pages: 41

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Direct Marketing

...Direct Marketing by Geoff Lancaster © 1 Direct marketing explained Direct marketing is a collection of techniques that enables organisations to market goods and services directly to customers (business-to-customers or B2C). It is a pro-active approach to marketing that takes the product and/or service to potential customers rather than waiting for them to come to a store or other point of access. It is a form of ‘non-shop’ shopping and is sometimes referred to as ‘precision marketing’ or ‘one-to-one’ marketing. Rather than the marketing firm sending out a general communication or sales message to a large group of potential customers, even if these constitute a well-defined market segment, direct marketing tends to target specific individuals or households. In a business-to-business (B2B) context this would be an individual or a specific organisation or firm. Direct marketing is not just concerned with marketing communications. It is also concerned with distribution. In using direct marketing, the firm is making a choice to cut out the use of marketing intermediaries and sell the product or service direct to customers. This has implications for both channels of distribution and logistical decisions. Direct marketing comes in a variety of forms. It is one of the fastest growing areas of marketing and is being propelled by technical advances, particularly in the field of computer technology and the www. Academics and consultants have taken up direct marketing with enthusiasm...

Words: 8178 - Pages: 33

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Supernatural by Brother Branham

...Supernatural: The Life of William Branham Book 6: The Prophet and His Revelation 1960 – 1965 by Owen Jorgensen 1 Acknowledgments: In a project of this magnitude, it is understandable that I should owe many people a debt of gratitude for their help. First of all I want to thank Pearry Green for his vision, his encouragement and his efforts in publishing and distributing these books. I also want to thank Saundra Miles, David Buckley, Jay Weber, and the other people who spent many hours editing and proof reading the six manuscripts in this series. Their suggestions helped to make this a better book and a more accurate account of William Branham‘s life. Also, I want to thank Steven and Kathy Strooh, who put these books into audio format for all those people who would rather listen than read. I must certainly thank those people who have translated these books into their native languages: Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Norwegian, Hindi, and many other languages. Supernatural: the Life of William Branham took me 17 years to complete. I was 34 when I started and 51 when I finished. To put that into perspective, my four children were in grade school when I began writing this biography. By the time I finished, three of my children were married and I had nine grandchildren. During the 17 years I worked on this project, my life had its ups and downs. I want to thank everyone who prayed for me during those 17 years. Finally I want to thank my four children—Benaiah...

Words: 101850 - Pages: 408

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...July 2010 1 LET 1 Table of Contents Unit 1 - Citizenship in Action Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved U1-C1-L1 Army JROTC - The Making of a Better Citizen U1-C1-L2 The Past and Purpose of Army JROTC U1-C1-L3 Moving Up in Army JROTC - Rank and Structure U1-C1-L4 The Signs of Success U1-C1-L5 Your Personal Appearance and Uniform U1-C1-L6 The Stars and Stripes U1-C1-L7 Proudly We Sing - The National Anthem U1-C1-L8 American Military Traditions, Customs, and Courtesies 3 9 13 21 25 37 45 51 Unit 2 - Leadership Theory and Application Chapter 1: Being a Leader U2-C1-L1 Leadership Defined U2-C1-L2 Leadership Reshuffled U2-C1-L3 Leadership from the Inside Out U2-C1-L4 Principles and Leadership U2-C1-L5 Sexual Harassment/Assault Chapter 2: Leadership Skills U2-C2-L1 Steps from the Past U2-C2-L2 Roles of Leaders and Followers in Drill U2-C2-L3 Using Your Leadership Skills/Taking Charge 57 61 67 73 77 81 85 89 Unit 3 - Foundations for Success Chapter 1: Know Yourself – Socrates U3-C1-L1 Self Awareness U3-C1-L2 Appreciating Diversity through Winning Colors U3-C1-L3 Personal Growth Plan U3-C1-L4 Becoming an Active Learner U3-C1-L5 Pathways To Success (QBOL) Chapter 2: Learning to Learn U3-C2-L1 Brain Structure and Function U3-C2-L2 Left and Right Brain Functions U3-C2-L3 Learning Style and Processing Preferences U3-C2-L4 Multiple Intelligences Chapter 3: Study Skills U3-C3-L1 Thinking...

Words: 73170 - Pages: 293