Premium Essay

Management Communication, Delivering Bad News


Submitted By marieelj
Words 279
Pages 2

29 October 2012

Mrs. Jane Goh
Vice-President of Corporate Social Responsabilities, Asia & the middle east
Philip Merit International
25 Navier Road
Singapore 234567

Dear Jane,

Congratulations with your new job and thank you for your kind request for our assistance in creating a CSR campaign for Philip Merit International in Asia this coming fall.
I am flattered that you would include our organization in this project and I am sincerely grateful for the great collaborations we have had in the past.

Spin Doctors Ptd Ltd would have been delighted to take on another project with you, however due to the nature of Philip Merit International’s product we are challenged on the ethical aspect of our company’s beliefs. Cigarettes are proven to be bad for the health and several of our employees in Spin Doctors Ptd Ltd has experienced cancer within the family. Therefore we will not be able to take on this project. Although this is unfortunate for both our situations, I would like to help you in any way possible.

I have a good friend in the public relations agency Xylo, Steven McPherson, who is a smoker himself. He is very talented, and I am sure he will be able to create a great CSR campaign for your company. You can contact him on this number: +65 23347688.

I hope the two of you will achieve good results together and I wish you good luck.
Spin Doctors Ptd Ltd and I will warmly welcome future requests for doing business together in another context, as you are a very valued customer and friend.

Yours sincerely,
Marie Jeppesen
Head of Business Development
Spin Doctors Ptd

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