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Management Organizational Behavior- Apple


Submitted By heyutian
Words 2404
Pages 10
Management Organizational Behavior
Prof. Agatep Hope

Individual Assignment
HE YUTIAN (Stephen)

Content Page
Page1----------Introduction of Apple
Page2--------- Organizational culture, design, structure
Page3--------- Management of conflict and motivation of employees & Conclusion
Page4------- Recommendation& Referencing List

If there is a survey about which business you believe is the most valuable and has most revolutionary influence on the society last ten years, it must be true that most of the people will choose Apple. From some professional evaluation about Apple, it describes Apple as an enterprise which has ability to take over the world one bite at a time and is already doing it. As of July 2011, Apple is the largest publicly traded company in the world by market capitalization with 357 retail stores in ten countries and 60,400 permanent full-time employees and 2,900 temporary full-time employees around the world. (Profile: Apple Inc, n.d.)At the same time, its revenue and profit is more than Google and Microsoft combined, and its annual revenue is totaled $65 billion in 2010 and is growing to $108 billion in 2011 miraculously. (Harry Wilson, 2012) Apple not only is one of the most successful enterprises in the world nowadays, but also already is a creative, miraculous and revolutionary company which is founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne on April 1, 1976 during its starting stage. (Cyrus Farivar, MacCentral, n.d.) Apple’s organizational mission is providing products which are innovative leadership and needed for consumers. (Apple Employee Handbook, 1993) Obviously, Apple already achieves its mission perfectly by creating its unprecedented products like iPod, iPhone, iPad, and iMac. Actually, what Apple achieves must connect with its organizational culture, management and

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