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Mba Paper


Submitted By ntmba
Words 576
Pages 3
What are the major reQ1
a) Why would many Cityvision stockholder sell for cash rather thanBlockbuster stock?
Many Cityvision stockholder sell for cash rather than Blockbuster stock because – In cash transaction acquiring shareholders take all the risk that theexpected synergy value embedded in the acquisition premium will notmaterialize, where as when we deal is stock the risk is spread andshared with the acquired shareholders too.In a cash deal it is pretty clear who is acquirer and who is acquired,when it comes to stocks and the stock value can change at any time.A really confident acquirer will tend to pay for the acquisition by cashand the markets historically have been rewarding this confidence byresponding through rise in share value, a stock buy out could (almostcertainly) take the opposite direction if they sense that the stock isovervalued. In about 75% of the cases, the stock value of acquirer hastaken a dip soon after the deal is announced. The cash buyout also

makes sure that its shareholders do not give up any merger gains to theacquired companies shareholders.The more sensitive the acquired companies compensation is tochanges in acquirer’s stock, the less favorable the response from themarket. There are many tools and frameworks that one can use toarrive at the SVAR (Shareholder value at risk) and then make adecision on the best mode.In conclusion I would say that this is not an easy decision , there areseveral macroeconomic factors that drive this and also this shouldcome out as a result of your strategic due diligence done upfront.These need not be all cash or all stock, people that’s why Blockbuster Video used a % of both, the deal structure and tax issues will drive alot of this. asons for the differences in attitudeQ1
a) Why would many Cityvision stockholder sell for cash rather thanBlockbuster stock?
Many Cityvision

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