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Submitted By GUNJAN05
Words 12870
Pages 52


Detail Study Of
HDFC Mutual Fund

Submitted For the partial fulfillment of the requirement for The Degree of MBA

Submitted by:
Registration No. –070651940
MBA –IV Trimester
SESSION (2007-2009)

IIPM - School Of Management



I do hereby declare that the project entitled “DETAIL STUDY OF HDFC- MUTUAL FUND” submitted as a part of the requirement for the partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration at BIJU PATNAIK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, ORISSA is an original piece of work done by me under the guidance of • Mr Manmohan Mohapatra (Branch manager) • Mr Sanket Swaroop • Mr Vikash Gupta.
At HDFC Mutual Fund , Rourkela has not been submitted for award of any degree else where in part or full.

Name:-Md Nabeel

Regd :-0706519040

[pic] certificate of the Guide

This is to certify that the work entitled “DETAIL STUDY OF HDFC- MUTUAL FUND” is a piece of Summer Project Report done by MD NABEEL, student of MBA IV Trimester IIPM SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, Kansbahal , Rourkela bearing Reg. No 0706519042 under my guidance and supervision for partial fulfillment of MBA curriculum of BIJU PATNAIK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, Rourkela, Orissa.

To the best of my knowledge and belief the Summer Project Report: 1. Embodies the work of the candidate himself. 2. Has been duly completed 3. Is up to the standard both in respect of contents and language for being referred to the examiner.


Internal Guide

JYOTSNA RAI IIPM School of management

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Computational Chemistry

...PubMed Abstract: Retroviral capsid proteins are conserved structurally but assemble into different morphologies. The mature human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) capsid is best described by a 'fullerene cone' model, in which hexamers of the capsid protein are linked to form a hexagonal surface lattice that is closed by incorporating 12 capsid-protein pentamers. HIV-1 capsid protein contains an amino-terminal domain (NTD) comprising seven α-helices and a β-hairpin, a carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) comprising four α-helices, and a flexible linker with a 310-helix connecting the two structural domains. Structures of the capsid-protein assembly units have been determined by X-ray crystallography; however, structural information regarding the assembled capsid and the contacts between the assembly units is incomplete. Here we report the cryo-electron microscopy structure of a tubular HIV-1 capsid-protein assembly at 8 Å resolution and the three-dimensional structure of a native HIV-1 core by cryo-electron tomography. The structure of the tubular assembly shows, at the three-fold interface, a three-helix bundle with critical hydrophobic interactions. Mutagenesis studies confirm that hydrophobic residues in the centre of the three-helix bundle are crucial for capsid assembly and stability, and for viral infectivity. The cryo-electron-microscopy structures enable modelling by large-scale molecular dynamics simulation, resulting in all-atom models for the hexamer-of-hexamer and pentamer-of-hexamer...

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Justin T.

...performer from a very early age, and by the time he was 10, he was already singing on the stage. The famous Timberlake singing and dancing style are greatly influenced by Michael Jackson, and Justin is often called the new King of Pop. Justin’s first official paid “gig” came in 1993, when he was still only 12, when he sang on stage with the Disney Mickey Mouse Club. Justin’s time on the Disney stage proved to be a major turning point in both his professional and personal life. On this show his cast mates included future girlfriend, Britney Spears, future tour mate Christina Aguilera, future bandmate JC and future movie actor Ryan Gosling. In the late 1990s, Timberlake rose to prominence as the lead singer and youngest member of the boy band 'N Sync,. Justin was in this band from 1995 to 2004. The band broke up in 2004 because each member wanted to pursue a solo career but Justin was the only one that had a successful one. Following a seven-year absence from music, Timberlake comes out with his new single, "Suit & Tie," and reveals that he will release an album, titled The 20/20 Experience, which was released on September 30, 2013. He also had a successful acting career throughout the years. Timberlake starred in many movies for example some recent ones include...

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Identifying and Explaining the Success Factors of Recent Mobile Games: Flappy Bird and 2048

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Diode diagrams and reference to the thermionic emission theory. The ideal SBD model is then compared with common p-n junction and their differences are discussed. Further analysis on the non-ideal behaviours of both the SBD and p-n junction diodes are performed as well. Evac Metal eΦm EF n-type semiconductor Evac eχsc eΦsc Ec EF Ev Figure 1 – Band diagram of metal and n-type semiconductor when they are not in contact 2. RESULTS 3. DISCUSSION 3.1 Accuracy of Measurements There are a number of techniques to determine uncertainties in data, analytically or graphically. Table 1 shows some general rules in calculating data errors when simple algorithmic operations are performed. Table 1 – Some rules to calculate data errors in algorithmic operations For multi-variable functions, e.g. f(x,y,z), the resultant error in the value of the function comes from the contribution of individual error in each variable, i.e. , and the relation is as follows Graphically, to obtain the 3.2 Theory of SBD (Compared with P-N Junction) 3.2.1 SBD Theory by Band Diagram Illustration The SBD demonstrates a rectifying effect by taking advantage of its metal-semiconductor junction. This is basically a junction that is made by contacting a metal surface with a doped semiconductor together. Cases may vary according to the type of doping for the semiconductor and for convenience, only n-type doped semiconductor would be discussed in this work, and the situation for p-type counterparts is simply the...

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Linen N Things

...Linen N Things Linens ’n Things Center, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Linens ’n Things, Inc. The Company and Linens ’n Things, Inc. are wholly owned subsidiaries of Linens Holding co. The Company is a specialty retailer of home textiles, housewares and home accessories in North America operating 589 stores in 47 United States and seven Canadian provinces as of December 29, 2007. The Company is a destination retailer, offering one of the selections of brand-name, as well as private label home furnishings merchandise in the industry. The Company’s average store size of approximately 33,000 gross square feet enables it to offer a more comprehensive product and brand selection than department stores and other retailers that sell home furnishings. The Company’s primary target guest is female between the ages of 25 and 55 who is fashion and brand conscious, has better income and focuses on the home as a reflection of her individuality. On the surface, LNT and BBBY companies were pursuing a similar business-level strategy of cost leadership, but key strategic decisions led them down quite different evolutionary paths. Both companies focused on providing consumers with high-quality houseware goods in a no-frills, value-priced environment, but LNT's decision to build centralized warehouses - seemingly consistent with a cost leadership strategy - ended up bringing it into direct competition with Target and Walmart. In contrast, BBBY allowed for greater decentralization in decision...

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...Alex Monaghan Mrs. Wooten English 5th Hour 10 March 2011 In Mary Pipher’s quote, she says that “history is inextricably linked to identity.” History is very important to a person’s life and background. History can’t decide what kind of a person someone is, but how they live their life and their actions toward others will ultimately determine their identity. When I went to a concert, they had a guest speaker at the concert that talked about his past and how he created his identity. He came from a broken family. His mom was a prostitute and his dad left him and his mom when he was at a very little age. Instead of letting his past bother him and making that his identity, he set out to create his own identity by using his past as how not to treat his family. He talked to us about how he found Jesus Christ and made him his savior and accepted him at the center of his life, and now he goes from city to city talking about God and how he has created his own identity for himself with the help of God. The speaker told us about how through all of those things that have happened in his past have caused him to become a strong person, but how anyone can make their own identity regardless of their background or the actions that they have done in the past. In the essay “On Being a Cripple”, Nancy Mairs talks about being crippled and what it is like. She says “I made the choice” of whether to be called handicapped, disabled, crippled, or another term used for physically disabled...

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