Premium Essay

Mental Disorder and Personality


Submitted By CherryJ
Words 1948
Pages 8


A mental disorder is depicted as a significant behavioral or psychological pattern, which leads to distress or impairment in important areas of functioning or a higher risk of suffering from pain, disability, loss of freedom and death (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Mental disorder affects a person’s mood, thinking and also behavior. The general types of mental disorders include mood disorder, anxiety disorders, personality disorders and psychotic disorders.


These signs may include the feelings of excessive anxiety, intense fear, odd speech or thinking patterns, marked changes in behavior and mood, withdrawal from social interaction and the lost of interest in activities that are normally enjoyed.


Personally, I think that there is a positive correlation between mental disorders and crime. However, not all individuals with mental disorders are certain to commit crime. The possibility of crime being committed by these individuals may depend on external factors which trigger their biological predisposition to violate the rights of others. In the following discussion, I have included several studies which stated that mental disorders may lead to crime.


Results from a study have shown that individuals with psychotic disorders were responsible for only five percent of all violent crimes (Fazel, S. & Grann, M., 2006). Recently, there is an increasing trend of society’s misconception about the danger that individuals with mental disorders might posed. Unbeknownst to many, this misconception would lead to the prevalence of social discrimination towards individuals with mental disorders. As a result, these individuals would

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