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Mid-Tech Case

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Dear Mrs. Lopez-
I am writing to you today expressing my recommendations regarding why our company should not cut the recruitment budget. Mid-Tech strives to bring in the best talent, and our recruiting efforts are key to future success. We should not cut the recruiting budget, because it allows our company to match anticipated growth with talent, helps our company have an edge on competitors, and college campus recruiting is the most efficient method of recruiting.

Match Anticipated Growth with Talent

Mid-Tech is a growing company that will need to hire new employees to accommodate expansion. Our company’s success is largely due to our talented and hardworking employees. In order to keep the employee talent level high, our company must hire talented college graduates. Hiring these talented individuals is extremely completive and we must be able to distinguish ourselves from competitors. Being able to have the resources and funds to recruit on college campuses is the most important factor to pipeline the best talent. Since we are competing with other technology companies for these candidates, the competition for candidates is more intense. Not only do we need to have an active presence on college campuses, but we also should have an active presence on social media. We need to be creative when recruiting in order to attract the attention of …show more content…
These recent graduates have new ideas and perspectives that could allow our company to grow and be more efficient. Mid-Tech needs to bring in the best talent and not let our competitors out recruit us. If we are recruiting the best candidates, this will give us the upper hand on the competition. Recruiting on college campuses would also allow us to spread our brand name. Being able to bring in talented new employees is key to Mid-Tech’s future success and is essential for gaining the upper hand on the

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