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Mount St. Helen's Case Study

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1. Where is Mount St. Helen’s? Describe the tectonic setting of the volcano.
Mount St. Helen's is in Washington. Mount St. Helen is on the verge of two convergent plates, along a continental-continental boundary.
2. What type of volcano is Mount St. Helen’s? Describe the 1980 eruption. How was this eruption typical for this type of volcano?
Mount St. Helen's is a composite volcano. In 1980 pressure built up within the Earth and blew the top from Mount St. Helens, covering surrounding areas in ash and expelling poisonous gas. This was typical for this type of volcano, as indents are often formed when the top is overcome by heat and pressure from strong eruptions.
3. Describe how the eruption changed the mountain. As you look through the …show more content…
It doesn't surprise me that plants regrew, as seeds can be buried deep within the ground and through natural processes be brought to the surface again.
4. In addition to pyroclastics (ash), describe the destructive events associated with this eruption.
In addition to the destruction of ash, glaciers upon the mountain melted and mudslides caused the destruction of trucks/cars, logs, and the dirtying of the nearby lake. Also affected were cropland, and the surrounding forests were destroyed.

5. How did salvage logging cause erosion problems on the mountain? Can you think of any ways to do some salvage logging and cause fewer problems?
Salvage logging caused erosion problems because removing the trees and roots meant that there was less to hold the Earth into place. Better ways to salvage the logs would be to leave the roots in tact, while removing the top part of the tree.
Field Trip #4: Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

1. What type of volcano is Mauna Loa? What is the tectonic setting of this volcano?
Mauna Loa is a “hot spot-volcano” and a basaltic shield volcano. This volcano is formed above a hotspot, and therefore in the future sink back into the

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