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New World Monkeys Vs. Old World Monkeys

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World monkeys and catarrhines incorporate Old World monkeys, gorillas, and people. All New World monkeys are arboreal and live in the woods of Central and South America, while Old World monkeys incorporate both earthly and arboreal species. New world monkeys wandered from Old World monkeys around 30 million years back.

New World monkeys have numerous remarkable attributes. Their teeth are organized as two incisors, one canine, three premolars, and three molars in every quadrant of the mouth. They have wide noses with round nostrils that open outward. New World monkeys have prehensile (getting a handle on) tails and Old World monkeys don't.

Old World monkeys have characteristics that vary from New World monkeys. The teeth of Old World monkeys are composed as two incisors, one canine, two premolars, and three molars in every quadrant, which is an indistinguishable game plan from human teeth. They have limit noses with their nostrils pointing descending. Old World monkeys have either long or short non-prehensile tails. Old World monkeys have trademark anatomical specializations, including calluses on their posteriors for sitting on hard, intense tree limbs or the ground for long eras. Old World monkey females experience obvious estrus, substantial swellings around the genitalia telling guys that they are ovulating. Sexual dimorphism is by all accounts more predominant in Old World monkeys, particularly in the earthbound species.

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