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Nokia Strategy Analysis


Submitted By Straiker
Words 11144
Pages 45
Catarina Barata | Guillermo Simoes | Inês Sousa | Iris Neto | José Aleixo Maria Osório | Pedro Castro



Professor Francesco Castellaneta

Table of Contents
I. INTRODUCTION 2 o II. Mission, Vision, Core Values 2

INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 3 o o o o Pest analysis 3 Porter’s Five Forces of Competition Framework 4 Market Segmentation 5 Key success factors 8


COMPETITVE ADVANTAGE ANALYSIS 9 o o o Emergence of Competitive Advantage 9 Porter’s Value Chain 12 Porter’s Generic Strategies 15


CORPORATE STRATEGY 16 o o o The scope of the firm 16 Vertical and Horizontal Diversification 20 Managing the corporate portfolio 23


GLOBAL STRATEGY AND THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS 25 o o o o o Patterns of internationalization 25 Analyzing competitive advantage in an international context 25 International Location of Production 27 Global integration vs. National differentiation 27 Strategy and organization within the multinational corporation 28





Nokia is a Multinational communications and information technology Corporation, with headquarters in Finland. Even though, their product portfolio is quite diverse, their main products are mobile phones and IT devices. Nokia occupied the leadership position in the mobile phones’ industry for more than a decade; however in 2011 this position was lost. The introduction of the smartphones in the market, the scandal related with Stephen Elop’s memo, ex-CEO (Ratner Effect), and the loss of trust in the brand related with the too-early announcement of changing in the operating system (Osborne Effect); resulted in a boycott both from carriers and retailers against Nokia that had a strong negative impact in its performance and overall results.

As a consequence, Nokia

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