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Nothing Et


Submitted By karim7are2a
Words 253
Pages 2
Softwar hardware hardcore and hardsex and softcore and sex and blow job and everythiung getting on the way and I don’t know the hell I am tryin to write but fuck all of u I don’t know why because u know you were trying to fuck up mother fuckers and I don’t know why u are are beaches or not but everything si hunder percent a bitch u know what I am saying so despites that fact that you are all bitches but so what come suck my dick mother fuckers and I will make sure you will love it bitches and sluts u know I like big butts I don’t know why but they are delicious and they like everything u can eat and cum on it and lick and rub it and fuck it especially when doing anal it's really delicious when doing cuz I don’t why I don’t why I don’t wh I don’t why I don’t why I dontknow why idont know know know know know know know know know know know know know know know know know knoiw know know know know know know knw know know know know know know know know know knoiw know know know know know now know know know know know know kno wkno wkno wknow know know know know know kno wknow kno wkno wknow knoi wknow as as as as as as a as as asa as as as as a s as as as as as as as as as

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...and.... not only ... but also anyway / at any rate / in any case in fact / actually / as a matter of fact up to a point so to speak by no means / not at all Comparisons compared to / in comparison with to draw / make a comparison between ...and similarly as well as Restrictions however / though nevertheless whereas although / though / even though in spite of / despite unlike in contrast to / with sth. on the contrary sth is contrary to sth Refering to with reference to regarding as regards as far as ... is concerned according to (according to is used to introduce someone else's opinion. Don't say "according to me") afin de décider si ......ou non exposer les points principaux de plus, en outre surtout discuter le pour et le contre à la fois..... et..... de toute façon en fait jusqu'à un certain point pour ainsi dire pas du tout / en aucune façon aussi bien que / de même que tandis que bien que / même si malgré à la différence de en ce qui concerne selon Emphasizing I’d like to point out that I’d like to emphasize J'aimerais faire remarquer que J'aimerais mettre l'accent sur Generalizing on the whole in general / generally speaking as a rule to some extent to a large extent / to what extent ? in many ways in all respects in most / many cases basically Giving examples for example / for instance such as / including in particular / particularly to give you an example of...

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Coming Back Home

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