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P2 M1 D1


Submitted By 34055631
Words 1716
Pages 7
News report P2
The following news report concerns the unethical behaviour coming from a leading oil company that is Chevron. It is reported they are currently causing extreme damage to the environment in Ecuador as a result of their bad practises.
We have been informed that more than 18 billion gallons of toxic wastewater has been dumped in the areas surrounding their operations, there have also been reports of around 17 million gallons of crude oil being spilt alongside vast amounts of hazardous waste being left in open pits in the forest floor; all in a bid for Chevron to save money.
These practises did not meet industry standards and are illegal in both Ecuador and the US. Chevron is now on the run from the Ecuadorian courts as they are required to pay $9.5 billion dollars to pay for the clean-up and remediation of the Amazon Jungle.
The Ecuadorians have filed law suits in Canada and Brazil to seek seizure of Chevrons assets.
The results of this unethical behaviour will impact many, such as the communities living in Ecuador, the shareholders and their sponsors alongside many more.
The communities living in the affected areas will be impacted most, it is reported that there has been a wave of mouth, stomach and uterine cancer, birth defects and spontaneous miscarriages that have come across the indigenous people.
As a result of this pressure groups such as the ‘chevrontoxico’ group and amazon watch have begun campaigning to raise awareness of the illegal and destructive nature of their activities. They have been trying to help the indigenous people and the forest itself by raising awareness and petitioning for US senators top corporate watchdogs to investigate chevrons activities, and help them be penalised for what they’ve done as they’re currently running from all responsibilities.

Investors, shareholders and sponsors may now also have to make

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