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Pa Letter


Submitted By sarahjones
Words 269
Pages 2
Having the opportunity to work with several PA’s, I experienced first-hand how they all worked closely with the patients, took the time to speak to them, listened to their complaints and symptoms, and consulted with the physicians regarding the patients’ course of treatment. I began to realize what an integral role a PA can have in both a hospital and private practice setting, and the relationships that they develop with their patients. There were many times that I witnessed the PA’s spending more time and being more involved in the care and treatment of the patients than the physician for some of their regular patients. During this time, several PA’s and physicians I had worked with suggested to me that I would make an excellent physicians assistant, and that was when I first became inspired to pursue a career as a PA. I further explored the field by spending time shadowing several PA’s in various fields, including plastic surgery, vascular surgery and OB/GYN.

This has inspired me to take 36 credits of prerequisite courses in one year, while still working full time. I constantly strive to excel in what I do, and I commit myself fully to any endeavor that I become passionate about. I am going back to school after almost ten years since graduating college in order to pursue my dream of becoming a PA because I believe in what I am doing, and I am passionate about my goals. I look very forward to a rewarding profession that combines my interests in clinical science and helping others while working in a team

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