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Pangaea Research Paper

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"Penguin" is a word I will never forget while "Pangaea" will always be the word I will constantly strive to see upon the piece of paper in front of me. Other words, such as "peninsula" versus a poorly spelled version of "Venezuela," or "caterpillar" rather than "carpenter" will continue to bare an attack on my mind. Words were my enemy. Never making sense, never doing what they are supposed to do on the page laid out for me to read. I hated reading. My father would make numerous attempts at reading the words to me instead, only to be greeted with a shush and a shake of the head of a five year old girl. I did not desire to be read to, I did not want to read for myself, and I definitely did not want anything to do with the useless alphabet that always appeared to hold exceptions. Sadly, the world would not let me have my way, thus I was forced to use other means to avoid the unbearable …show more content…
I was asked to read aloud without being read to and people began to notice that I was sounding out words that were not on the page, such as "penguin" instead of "Pangaea." By the end of third grade I was retested for a learning disability and was identified to be dyslexic. This came as a shock to many, especially when it was revealed that I could not read beyond the comprehension of a kindergartener. I was placed in special courses designed to re-teach me how to read and learn ways to overcome my dyslexia.
In middle school, I still struggled. I took up an online job as an editor to teach myself how to identify mistakes as a way to prevent future errors caused by my dyslexia. I began finding patterns in writing styles, identifying the rhythms that I could hear in speech. Words were actually beginning to make sense as I applied my training to the grammar. I grew to love reading and begun finishing large novels within a few hours, an accomplishment that would take me months to complete in the fifth

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