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Pathos In Othello

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Iago uses rhetorical devices like pathos and logos in order to convince Othello of Desdemona’s infidelity, resulting in the later plot. One example of this is Iago appeals to Othello's emotions (pathos), by vividly describing how Cassio had declared his love and desire for Desdemona when he had shared a bed with Iago. Another example of Iago using another rhetorical device is when Iago advises Cassio to approach Desdemona in an attempt to regain his position after his dismissal, telling him that Desdemona is understandable and that she has control over Othello, he appeals to Cassio's sense of logic (logos). Since Desdemona is the love of his life, Othello would listen to her. The last example of Iago using another rhetorical device is when

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