Premium Essay

Pc Donations


Submitted By killerwolverine
Words 2542
Pages 11

Prepared for
Jeff Berlinger
Technical Department Manager

Prepared by
Kevin Simons
Technical Department Intern

October 6, 2013

TO: Jeff Berlinger, Technical Department Manager FROM: Justin Testa, Technical Department Intern
DATE: October 6, 2013
RE: Donation of Technical Equipment to Native Americans on Reservations
Thank you for approving my request to research donating our technical equipment to Native Americans on reservations. Kroger has a wonderful and unique opportunity to aid Native Americans with this one time donation of technical equipment, without forfeiting any donations to their local charities.

The technical equipment would consist of six large color copiers, 55 laptops, and 75 desk top computers. All of the equipment is from the Corporate Offices in Cincinnati and at the present time is not ear marked for any destination.

My research shows there is a need for this type of donation. This one time donation will bring national attention to the needs of Native Americans and continue to confirm Kroger as the leading contributor to those in need. Attached you will find an executive summary and a detailed report with my conclusion and recommendations. If you have any questions on this report please email me at

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……………………………………………………………………….3
Figure 1-Chart………………………………………………………………………………5

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