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Personal Thinking Style


Submitted By pankajantal82
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Personal Thinking Style

Primary Style - Humanistic-Encouraging (Agree)
Humanistic Encouraging style at work helped me to understand my employees need and satisfaction level while completing a project and it helps me to provide problem solving skills and confidence to take their responsibility of completion of the task. For me my colleagues are as important as task in my hands as their point of view is as important as mine.
I prefer team tasks and seeing my colleagues achieve set of goals. It helps me ability to lead a team successfully and having closer and healthy relationships at workplace, mutual respect. I get sense of satisfaction to encourage my colleagues.
The same style helped me in my personal life as a mentor to my kid, help him across with school work and some emotional changes. I learned to be more patience while working with my family members and broader acceptance of cultural values in my family as my marriage is intercultural. I share very strong bond with family members.
Second Style - The Conventional Style (Disagree with some parts of it)
I don’t believe or I see myself being conventional type or style kind of manager in the past because I promote innovation thinking at workplace and build healthy relationships with my colleagues at workplace and outside the workplace. I don’t feel insecurity at workplace because I do my best what is expected out of me from higher management.
Some of the points I agree with at workplace
Sometimes I do things by the book and adhering rules and policies which don’t allow my team to work independent at times. Tendency to cover up mistakes and take pride within myself on ability to exactly what is expected out of me. I sometimes hate to be in limelight for both good and bad reasons.
Limited Style - Perfectionistic Style
In a past being perfectionistic style has reduce my overall effectiveness at workplace by fear of failure by not doing a task in a prefect way as per rules and policies which didn’t give much scope to my team to work out of box thinking. Seeking for flawless completion of work and an excessive concern of avoiding the mistakes which lead to cover up mistakes at workplace. Sometimes take more casual approach towards work and I felt for long time that I worked below my potential.

Impact on Management Style a. Planning; being encouraging to my colleagues its help to plan in ahead for my team and set goals for them to achieve in advance.
b. Organizing; the task as they all can work together, talk to each other and make the best out of their surrounding and deal with conflict as a team.
c. Leading; encouraging others at workplace has improved my leading ability and to get the work done in timely manner
d. Controlling; i do lack behind sometimes in controlling the team, might be my emotional or good relationship with my colleagues and sometimes I feel if try to control the team it might hamper the relationship among us.

Genesis of Personal Style

Being born and raised in middle class Indian family helped me to be more humanistic towards other people and it did bring out the understanding of different cultural values. At the same raised in a joint family of 15 members learned to respect elder and other around me and importance of good relationship among family members. My parents always had encourage me to do good well in my life in terms of higher education and getting a good job and that why I am more of person to encourage other people at workplace or in their life.
My school life also played major role developing my Perfectionistic Style as I went to a military school with strict rules and need to be prefect in performing tasks throughout. Same time I was the younger kid in my family and my elder sister and brother were very successful in their life and that added the pressure to do good in my life with my parents expectations which leaded more to be perfectionistic in my life.
I completed my bachelor degree from the Christian college (Madras Christian College) from the India. Being Hindu as a religion and studied in Christian college gave me a broader acceptance of people and their cultural values at workplace and in my personal life.

Conclusion and Reflection

This process is been a learning curve and it provided me better understanding of my own personal styles and its impacts on my work and personal life. Being a perfectionistic I work hard enough to do things in a prefect way, which sometimes lead me to set unrealistic goals for me and my team. I need to have ability to accept failure and learn from it rather worry about failure on first place. For example – sometimes because of my casual approach towards any particular task leads to delay in project completion. From this exercise I want to improve on my conventional style of working my focus on my own unique strengths and skills and try to work or do things differently at work and at home to bring uniqueness at both places.
I wish this experience will help me be more effective manager on first place and become more efficient in management role and the same experience I can bring out in my personal life.

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