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Personality Type Research Paper


Submitted By sammycakkes88
Words 882
Pages 4
Samantha Parker
October 9, 2014
Personality Type
Traits of an ENFP
The results of my personality type assessment were ENFP which means extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving. After doing some research I realized the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses were a very accurate judgment of my personality. It’s interesting that when a few simple questions are answered the consummation can sum up an entire personality of an individual.
Some of the characteristics of my personality type include impulsive, creative, impatient, enthusiastic, procrastination, and animated. Some good and some not so good but in all it describes me. My mother has told me my entire life that I’m animated. She used to tell me to try and talk with my hands behind my back as a joke and I would actually stutter and fumble my words. I find it impossible to speak without my body especially my hands. I’m very impulsive and this seems to go both ways with me. For instance I might wake up one day and decide that I want to go to the beach and invite my friends and have a random yet memorable outing. Unfortunately I forgot to check my bank account and get to the beach and realize I can’t buy anything. I seem to do a lot of things without thinking them all the way through. I also tend to get bored easy and what was once a project I committed myself to is now left unfinished and uninteresting. Impatience and procrastination are the two that seem to be a downfall for me. You would think an impatient person wouldn’t procrastinate. Being enthusiastic is one of the main reasons I have so many friends and even more acquaintances. I like to become close with everyone I meet, unless of course I don’t like them. Some of my core strengths are curiosity, communication, friendliness, observation, energy, and knowing how to relax. Communication and friendliness seem to go hand in hand with me.

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