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Persuasive Essay On Eating Animals

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The misery hiding behind your hamburger
In modern culture, murder is something society is yet to accept for obvious reasons. The idea of someone taking your newborn child from your arms, and not being able to fight back is absurd. As horrific as such scenario sounds, we are contributing to these dreadful acts. Factory farming is when large quantities of animals such as cattle, pigs, and poultry, are housed together for mass production for the pleasure of our consumption. As a consumer ask yourself, is the murder of an animal justified? Is wanting a hamburger more important than the suffering and torture of the animal which it came from? Though a large amount of people are for animal rights, most are uninformed of the suffering behind factory farming. If people knew the true conditions in which the animals live, the unacceptable lifestyle these creatures have, and the torturous process that contributes to having food on your plate, we would all be hostile to the practice. Factory farming is unacceptable and it should be abolished. …show more content…
When you hear of someone beating their pets, you can’t help but to feel anger, yet when the topic of animals being massacred at factory farms comes up, not many panic. Jonathan Safran, a professor at NYSU and Author of Eating Animals tells of a time when a KFC supplier was documented killing the livestock horrendously. The personnel at this poultry were “… tearing the heads off live birds…spray painting their faces, and violently stomping on them” (Safran67). If this is happening, why aren’t we acting upon it? Or is it us being oblivious to the fact that we call these animals dinner and not pets? Although swine and cattle are meant to be protected by the Humane Slaughter Act, according to the USDA “Livestock must be slaughtered in a humane matter to prevent needless suffering.” this doesn’t stop the

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