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Position Statement


Submitted By Country2127
Words 535
Pages 3
Position Statement:
Depression has been in existence even before it had a name. In the 1950’s they began testing a drug on patients that were very withdrawn, regressed, and had no interest in things around them. Out of all the patients 70% showed a increased reaction in a favorable way such as wanting to be involved with things and have interest in things around them. Many different doctors began to run studies and throughout these studies found that in many patients there was a misfiring in their communication of their brains. With the misfiring so to speak the patient weren’t receiving the normal levels of chemicals such as serotonin which was causing them to suffer from depression. Each individual that deals with depression is affect by a different level and may be missing a certain chemical over another.
France, C. M., Lysaker, P. H., & Robinson, R. P. (2007). The "chemical imbalance" explanation for depression: Origins, lay endorsement, and clinical implications. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 38(4), 411-420. doi:10.1037/0735-7028.38.4.411
Argument 1:
When individuals think about depression there are many things that come to mind, can it be controlled, is it a chemical imbalance, or are people just making it up for attention? It really all comes down to men and women develop differently and hormones enter their brains at different rate and times. When are more apt to be depressed as adults due to the way that their hormones operate, also the social status of a woman compared to a man has always been lower and a women is always battling to overcome this. During childbearing years women are more prone to depression and anxiety than men but after child bearing years women face more psychotic illness due to the lack of estrogen in their system. With all of this information one can see how chemical imbalance can most definitely

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