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Pr Cases


Submitted By ranneta
Words 107599
Pages 431
Public Relations Cases

This collection of contemporary international public relations case studies is an invaluable resource for teachers, researchers and students working in public relations, corporate communications and public affairs, as well as offering practitioners an indepth understanding of the effective use of public relations in a range of organizational contexts. Including cases from the UK, Norway, Sweden, Spain, South Africa, Canada and the USA, with a focus on such global corporations as Shell, BBC America, Worldcom, PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Marks & Spencer, it offers important insights into the development of public relations and communications strategies. These include: • • • • • • • • Corporate identity change and management Global reputation management Crisis management in the oil, shipping and tourism industries Developing strategic alliances between voluntary and private sector organizations Public relations support for international branding and market entry The importance of internal communications during international mergers The integration of public relations and marketing communications Business-to-business communication

The cases examined in this book demonstrate the breadth of contemporary public relations practice and the increasing importance of the public relations function in both public and private sector organizations worldwide. Danny Moss is Co-Director of the Centre for Corporate and Public Affairs at the Manchester Metropolitan University, and Course Leader for the University’s Master’s Degree in Public Relations. His previous publications include Perspectives on Public Relations Research (1999), co-edited with Dejan Vercic and Gary Warnaby, also published by Routledge. Barbara DeSanto is Assistant Professor at the School of Journalism and Broadcasting, Oklahoma State University, where she teaches graduate and

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