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Project Proposal


Submitted By bruins55
Words 426
Pages 2
Project Proposal Site Structure

IT 236
October 14, 2012
University Of Phoenix

Project Proposal Site Structure
• Page content
My main page will consist of many links that lead in to different regions. First I have an “About Us” page which will have information of my staff and I. Second I will have “Contact us” page that will list email addresses of those writing and editing. Third, there will be four pages which cover markets including west coast, east coast, mid-west, and south regions. Each will have links to their individual teams in which the user will be able to read, blog, and watch highlights.
• File names
Main Page = index.html
About Us = about.html
Contact Us = contact.html
East Coast Region = ecr.html
East Coast Region Teams = ecrteams1.html
East Coast Region blog = ecrblog2.html
East Coast Region vid/high = ecrflash.html
Mid-West Region = mwr.html
Mid-West Region Teams = mwrteams1.html
Mid-West Region blog = mwrblog2.html
Mid-West Region vid/high = mwrflash.html
South Region = southr.html
South Region Teams = southrteams1.html
South Region blog = southrblog2.html
South Region vid/high = southrflash.html
West Coast Region = wcr.html
West Coast Region Teams = wcrteams1.html
West Coast Region blog = wcrblog2.html
West Coast Region vid/high = wcrflash.html

• Relationships between page
From the main page, the user will be allowed to roam through various pages and links through the main page. Once the user decides where he she wants to go there will be links set on each page that allows the user to go back and forth through each page without any problem. For example, once the user decides which region he wants to enter, he/she simply clicks on the link which will take him/her to their favorite team. Once they click their team, there will be all sorts of up to date information which allows the user to read, blog, or watch.
Also, on the about us or contact us page there will be links that will be highlighted so the user will be able to click on whomever they wish to get in contact with and send them a direct email.




Video /Highlights

Video /Highlights

Video / Highlights
Video / Highlights BLOG BLOG


Mid-West Region
Mid-West Region
East Coast Region
East Coast Region
South Region
South Region
West Coast
West Coast
Contact US

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