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Pt1440 Mid Term Review


Submitted By ls393
Words 682
Pages 3
1. pg. 22 programs for everyday tasks are application software
2. pg. 21 examples of operating systems are vista, mac os, linux
3. pg. 18 function of an interpreter --translates and executes
4. pg. 17 a term that refers to the correct data code -- syntax
5. pg. 16 name the first high level programming language to perform complex math calculations--fortran
6. pg. 14 a program that uses pneumonic -- assembly language
7. pg. 13 when a cpu is executing instructions it is in the --fetch decode and execute cycle
8. pg. 18 compared to a interpreted program a compiled program – executes faster
9. pg. 12 machine language 10101010
10. pg. 11 an encoding technique to store negative numbers—two’s complement (D)
11. pg. 30 an error that will give incorrect result but not stop the program – Logic error
12. pg. 30 there is a program development cycle has --- 5steps
13. pg. 32 informal language used to create modules of code that does not care about syntax -- pseudo code
14. pg. 32 graphical depiction of steps of a program – flow chart
15. pg. 36 a structure of statements ---sequence
16. pg. 32 what is used to represent an assignment in a flow chart – processing symbol
17. pg. 46 mathematical operator to raise a number to a power -- ^
18. pg. 49 order of operations PEMDAS
19. pg. 56 three variable date types – real, integer, string
20. pg. 62 during program execution this cannot be changed --- named constant
21. pg. 76-77 benefit to using modules are – simpler code, faster development, code reuse
22. pg. 31 ask for pseudo code errors – proper order –input price, input quantity, set tax rate, set tax due, display tax due
23. pg.31 ask for pseudo code –student name, degree program, number credits required, credit taken, sub credit taken from needed, display input information, display calculated information
24. pg. 81 next memory location after a module –return point
25. pg. 81flowchart with a module call represents a module call with what symbol-- rectangle
26. pg. 83 this tool is used to visualize relationship between modules --hierarchy
27. pg. 90 the name of a variable that receives an argument that passed into a module --parameter
28. pg. 97 when you pass and argument by ___ means ---values
29. pg. 104 a variable that’s visible to every module – global variable
30. pg. 99 this type of argument is used a reference --- reference argument
31. pg. 115 a logical design that controls the order in which the statements are executed—control structure
32. pg. 116 a store is giving a discount of 30% for all purchases over 100$ --What is not the appropriate structure. Not appropriate to use a sequence structure
33. pg. 116 what symbol in a flow chart indicates some conditions must be tested--Diamond
34. pg. 118-119 to determine if a specific relationship exists between two values use the ---relational operator
35. pg. 119 these 3 operators are used to determine if operands are exactly the same value --- ==, !, =!
!= is used to determine if operands are not exactly the same value
36. pg. 32 in flow charts what identifies the terminal point -- oval
37. pg. symbol identifying a process – rectangle
38. pg. 32 flow chart denotes input and output -- parallelogram
39. pg. 37 a memory location represented by a name is called –variable
40. pg. 39 these three items are valid variable names in most computer languages—number1, no1number, abc123
41. pg. 31 well defined logical steps taken to perform a task -- algorithm
42. pg. 120 usually checking when something is equivalent you would use this operater___instead of this operator__ -- == instead of =
43. pg. 147 what operator would make true false ----not
44. pg. 147 what operator would make the following expression false true and false ---and
45. pg.147 -----or
46. pg. 133 “jane” ____”Jeff” what makes this true –the less than symbol <
47. pg. 140-141 look at and figure the output
48. pg. 89 look at code figure output
49. pg. 88 read that page
50. pg. 149 look through code figure out on own

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