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Public Transit


Submitted By xhuang2
Words 7251
Pages 30
Public Transit Implications of Spatial Development and Their Impact on Commuting:
Evidence from Suburban Beijing and Philadelphia

Xinyi Huang
Comparative Urbanism, 1st Draft
Prof. McDonogh

Table of Contents
i. In general ii. Study Areas iii. Literature Review: Transport and Suburbia

Spatial Development I. Context of Beijing i. Urban Form ii. Work-House Relocation iii. Commuting Patterns and Transport Development II. Context of Philadelphia i. Urban Form ii. Work-House Relocation iii. Commuting Patterns and Transport Development

Public Transportation Strategies I. Beijing Subway i. Historical Background ii. Governance and Investment II. Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Regional Rail i. Historical Background ii. Governance and Investment

Transit and Commuting i. Yanjiao: Excess commute ii. King of Prussia: Reverse Commute

Discussion and Conclusion
Appendix: Images
In recent decades, one of the main arguments in relation to increasing transport demand and changing commuting pattern has focused on urban growth. Many existing studies have found strong evidence between land development and travel behaviors. Global urban sprawl has been accompanied by changes in individuals’ housing and employment locations, which in turn brings changes in commuting time, distance and destination. However, there are relatively few studies that explore the role of public transportation in this linkage. Revealing the form and function of public transit can explain existing transport commuting dilemma and argue for long-term management strategies. This paper therefore focuses on the role of public transportation in spatial development-travel behavior linkage and raises the following question: can

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