Premium Essay

Robotic Surgery


Submitted By bigballer
Words 1528
Pages 7
Deborah Martin,




Advantages & Disadvantages


How Robotic Surgery Works



Robotic Surgery
Mostly paying consideration on reducing the invasiveness of the surgical procedure

Robotic Surgery
• Computer supported surgery
• Surgeon operates the machine to do the operation • Surgeon uses one or more technique to control the instrument
• While operate the operation the Surgeon uses remote or directly the computer to manage those instrument

AESOP Endoscope Positioner robotic system
›༉ Computer

Motion, Inc developed the AESOP
Endoscope Positioner robotic system and in
1993 this became the first robot approved by the FDA for surgery.
›༉ AESOP Endoscope
Positioner is a voiceactivated robotic system for endoscopic surgery. ZEUS® Surgical System
›༉ Computer

Motion, Inc introduced the ZEUS®
Surgical System in 1998.
›༉ ZEUS® Surgical System consists of :
›༉ Surgeon control console ›༉ Three table mounted robotic arms

Da Vinci Surgical system


Intuitive Surgery, Inc. created the da Vinci Surgical system and approved in 1997 by FDA. July
2000 it become the first laparoscopic surgical robotic.
The da Vinci system consists of:
A Surgeon console
A patient side cart
Four robotic arms (the three arms of the da Vinci system holds the operation instruments and the fourth arm has a camera with two lenses which gives the
Surgeon the 3-d image for the surgery.) Robotic surgeries performed include: • Colorectal
• Gynecologic Oncology
• Otolaryngology (ENT)
• Thoracic
• Urology
• Urogynecology

Robotic cardiothoracic surgery In year 2000 at NYU Medical Center
Surgeons first used robotic cardiothoracic surgery to repair a patient’s heart valve. After that doctors are using the

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