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Roman Catholic


Submitted By masaa
Words 327
Pages 2
How would you defend and/or explain your (local) church to a child?

Everything you see around you came from something or someone. You came from your parents. Your parents came from your grandparents. Your grandparents came from your great grandparents, and so on and so forth. It goes on and on, but it stops somewhere - or someone, and that someone is God. God created everything you see around you - the land, rocks, animals, sky - anything you can think of. And most especially us human being. He created us to his image and likeness. It is our role to take care of his creations and each other. The church helps us do that. It guides us and nurtures us so we know the right things to do. When we have problems or troubles, the church will support you through it and God will get you through it. The church is your support system and God is the navigator. We live our lives by the words of God so that when we all eventually die, we can come back to him in heaven.

How would you defend and/or explain your (local) church to a nonbeliever?

It is an undeniable fact everything's go to come from something. It's just something we don't have physical evidence of. But if you think far enough, you'l realize that although you might necessarily believe in the gods of other religions, there is a higher being. Basically, religions just have different interpretations of this higher being; it's up to you which to believe in, but you can't contest the fact that there is a god, so that's that. My religion is just another interpretation of him and it has a system of belief that we live by. While you are a nonbeliever, I doubt you don't have beliefs of yourself. Basically, religion is just a group philosophy. And the most important part of it is just respecting what each person believes in.

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