Premium Essay

Romeo Juliet Love Through the Ages


Submitted By Nadorusty
Words 877
Pages 4
Hershberger, Rusty Dwinell
Period 1
Romeo and Juliet different love in a different time This essay is all about the different types of love mentioned In the book. The book Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare takes place in the late sixteenth century in the Italian city of Verona. In the book, Romeo and Juliet meet at a party and instantly fall in love, even though they are from feuding families. There love causes many deaths, including there own, but in the end the two families, the Capulets and Montagues, end their feud while mourning for the two lost teens. Shakespeare talks about many types of love but this essay will include platonic, Romantic,and familial even though there are many other types of love mentioned in the play. The first type of love is platonic. Platonic love is the love between friends and it can usually be a very good and helpful thing especially when some one is getting over a former girlfriend like Romeo is in the book. The first time you see Romeo's friends helping him is when Benvolio and Marcutio are trying to convince Romeo to go to the Capulets party (1.4). This was good for Romeo for a few reasons one is that his friends are trying to help him get over Rosalin who Romeo had been dating until they broke up just before the story starts. When the story starts and we first see Romeo he seems very sad about his "break up" with Rosalin (1.2 166-244). In this scene we found Romeo sitting alone and when Benvolio goes to talk to him we find that he is very sad. So Benvolio decides to talk to him and comfort him. These are just a few examples of the many ways in this book that friends help each other. The next type of love in Romeo and Juliet is romantic love. Because this story is a love story between two teens it seems very fitting that this book would have many references to romantic love. One example is when

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