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School Based Sex Education


Submitted By james2014
Words 662
Pages 3
State-Level Challenges

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Challenges of School Based Sex Education

Statistics in the past indicate that sexual behavior amongst teens has become a national public health concern. This is because of increased unnecessary pregnancies and rise in cases of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. School based sex education represents a formalized effort to curb the negative sexual outcomes by providing necessary information. A comprehensive goal for schools is to give its students the best education to be more knowledgeable, responsible in society, socially skilled and active citizen. This mission is currently receiving support from various school based programs, but it is not fully operational. This is due to insufficient coordination with other operatives that provide human services. Implementation of a comprehensive school based sex education requires research-based and well-thought programs that improve the social and academic outcomes of students. Sex education is often seen to reduce adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections only. This should not be the trend, as students need to receive more information on their sexuality, examine their values and develop further skills on how to resist early sex and become responsible adults in future. There has been widespread fear among teachers concerning the content that is offered to students on sexuality. They argue that other stakeholders such as parents and school administrators do not support them in the provision of sexual education. There is also concern over the lack of training that sex educators receive as many are seen not ready to teach the subject. The problem stems from inadequate training and lack of proper financial support. Lack of ease in offering proper education on sexual matters in schools is also an

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